Maximising the team's sales capability is the key aim for any sales manager. When sales people struggle to hit their targets, it falls to the sales manager to provide support and help colleagues to find their way again. One of the most effective techniques for sales managers to improve and maintain sales performance is by providing live sales coaching. Sales coaching encourages sales people to find their own solutions and take responsibility for their own development. This course will help participants: Develop people to fulfil their sales potential Provide motivational feedback Identify strengths and weaknesses of their team members Understand personal learning styles Identify and adapt for different personality styles Prepare and conduct on-the-job observations Motivate sales people to greater performance 1 How is sales coaching different from sales training? What is coaching? Discover how coaching empowers sales people Learn the best time to use sales coaching Decide which people should be coached first Creating a development plan 2 Understanding learning, behavioural and communication styles Use practical tools to help you assess individual styles Tap into the essence and energy of the person you are developing Understand your own learning, behavioural and communication preferences Develop a strategy to adopt for each member of your team Discover what motivates you and your salespeople to perform Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales conversion 3 Using the GROW coaching model Learn the secrets of a successful coaching session Discover the importance of SMART objectives and instructions Understand and capture what coachees are currently doing right Develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills Help your colleagues crystalise their plans and actions Provide follow-up opportunities to embed the learning 4 Giving motivational feedback Understand why effective feedback is so powerful in sales Learn key models for motivational feedback Discover how to manage and structure more difficult conversations Understand the power of positive reinforcement Encourage sales people to coach and support colleagues 5 Putting it into practice Use realistic scenarios to provide opportunities for practice Discover what it feels like to be coached Receive immediate feedback on your coaching style Share common performance issues with fellow sales managers Create a personal development plan 6 Preparing on-the-job observations and joint visits Build a strategy for coaching and team development Prepare an observation template for effective coaching Learn the key elements of preparation for your next coaching session Agree common areas to focus on with coachees 7 Action planning Personal action plans
Self esteem building Improve social anxiety Learning what to say and do in text and dates Education on modern dating techniques Online messages formatting and wording Confidence Coaching Online dating tips Online dating Coaching with your own personal dating coach Kino escalation Introspection and characteristic testing
Systemic coaching and Cognitive Coaching Help with relationship failure Removing emotional blocks Working through trauma Dealing with anger issues Building Self esteem Help with discovering your purpose and emotional needs NLP Training Improving emotional Intelligence Working on problem areas in life and relationships Your own personal Life Coach 7 days a week Your coach is available 24hrs a day whenever you need to talk with this exclusive package
Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Peterborough
Participants at this workshop will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills using a coaching style technique and practice these skills in a conducive manner during the session.
Also known as Life Coaching, this area of the practice focuses on life satisfaction, motivation and aims to increase your general well-being. By taking a step back, you will be able to get a helicopter view of your situation and tackle individually the areas of concern with the right tools for you.
Customer Service Essentials 1 Day Training in Peterborough
Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Peterborough
Public Speaking 1 Day Training in Peterborough
Better relationships intensive training programme One on one dating coaching Better relationships programme and Relationship assessment overview 5 Day Holiday in mystery 5 star location (Clear mind and relaxation) 2 day therapy in 5 star Luxury London hotel Luxury spa retreat and treatment by celebrity facialist World famous celebrity dentist teeth whitening treatment Free M.D.D Membership for 1 year Assess your love life and enjoy a vacation and bespoke luxury package created by your M.D.D date coach to tailor to your specific needs and problem areas enjoy a first-class experience and let the M.D.D help you embrace a new and bright future and assist you with a beautiful transition to the love life you desire and a happier, confident, enriched mind.Let all your strengths and abilities be harnessed to propel you to great success with this intensive package Price on application