Understand why concentration, curiosity and clarity is so important in communication. Understand the many pitfalls and benefits to listening. The bottom line is that it builds effective relationships-the heart of earning and keeping customers. Use listening to increase understanding in any situation you experience. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Assess your listening skills Test your listening and interpretations skills Describe the benefits of effective listening Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
There are four relationship styles. Understanding them helps improve how we relate to ourselves and others. Each style has value and strengths. People rarely set out to be difficult. Discover the four styles and how you can identify and manage each one. Learning Objectives Identify the four relationship styles in people, Explain how to use behavioral flexibility with each style, Create positive interpersonal relationships Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Understand the three components of curiosity and how to use them in your situation. Avoid pitfalls that cloud our ability to interpret messages accurately. Discover how to increase your ability to interpret messages accurately and how to develop curiosity. Learning Objectives Implement three components of curiosity, Interpret intended messages correctly, Control mental filters Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Trust is our confidence in the integrity, strength, and competence of someone to meet our expectations. Discover the four keys to building a professional 'trust fund'. We will guide you how to deliver and receive feedback while maintain trust. Understand the behaviors that feed trust and those that starve trust. Learning Objectives Establish a 'Trust Fund', Explain how to maintain trust during feedback, Implement five behaviors that show respect Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Moments of Truth are 'touch points' in time that a customer evaluates when giving you a service 'score.' Apply our 10 tips for great greetings md introductions. Discover why it is important to choose your opening words selectively. We will show you how to strike the perfect balance between professionalism and 'personalism'. Learning Objectives Describe the Primary Effect's influence on first impressions, Implement effective greeting words choices, Balance professionalism with personalism Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Concentrating to hear messages is the first phase of authentic listening. Understand why verbal, vocal, and visual messages need to be congruent in order to be believable. Discover how to be fully present and use our tips for improved concentration. Learning Objectives The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Summarize concentration challenges Explain how to be a congruent communicator Apply tips for increasing concentration Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
24 hours sometimes simply doesn't seem like enough time. Learn how to identify 'hidden time' in your day, which will mean extraordinary things for you in terms of completing your deadlines and reaching your goals. You will learn how to make the most of your 'down time' by for instance, creating a game out of time saving. We don't believe in all work and no play, and therefore provide you with the tools to have fun while effectively managing and creating your time, virtually effort free. Learning Objectives Find hidden time, Summarize how to make the most of downtime Describe how to make the most of saving time, Create blocks of time to get more done Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Confidence is a situational expectation of positive outcomes while developing strengths and managing weaknesses. We will help you to identify your strengths and four ways to develop them. Manage your weaknesses to get the job done right. Learning Objectives Describe how confidence builds rapport, Identify your strengths, Implement four ways to develop your strengths confidence Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
'Procrastination makes easy things hard, and hard things harder' - Mason Cooley. Learn how to avoid procrastination and finalize your tasks with ease. Learn how to apply the most effective guidelines for delegation and ensuring responsibilities get taken care of. You will learn how to get more done, in less time and we will teach you how to balance your precious home life with that of a stressful career life. Learning Objectives Control paperwork and emails, Demonstrate file organization, Effectively delegate work to others, Balance home and career Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams
Listening is challenged by attention and inference-making problems. Critical listening demands concentration, curiosity, and clarity with organization and evaluation. Discover how to increase understanding and what is the difference between people-orientated, action-orientated, content-orientated and time-orientated. Learning Objectives Demonstrate concentration, curiosity, and clarity as a critical listener, Explain how to give appropriate feedback, Identify five listening styles to meet different needs Target Audience Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals, Sales Professionals, Customer Service Teams