Click to read more about this training, in which we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. Course Category Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and relationships Problem Solving Description In this training we demonstrate a live problem solving approach which is based on the active participation of family members. ‘Family Circles’ is an evolving new approach to problem solving with families and is based on our years of family work and the development and use of the Circle of Adults process. Inspired by our own Parent Solutions work and the Circle of Adults process as well as Family Group Conferencing and other Restorative Interventions we bring you Family Circles. Essentially the approach involves gathering a family together for a process that is facilitated but majors on the family members offering each other their wisdom and ideas. The approach is capacity focused, person centred approach to working with families rather than the dominant deficit oriented and ‘medical model’ of viewing and planning for or doing things to families. This training can be modelled with a group of professionals or better still with a family. In our work with families we develop the importance of naming stories or theories and seeking linkages and synthesis between what is found out and explored about the family situation and its history. We like participants to sit with the uncertainty, to reflect on the question ‘why’ but without judgement of each other. Deeper reflections may span a whole range of perspectives from ‘within person’ considerations, to situational or systemic possibilities. Health or emotional issues can be reflected on alongside organisational or transactional aspects of what is going on for the family. The better the shared understanding the better the strategy or actions which emerge from these meetings. Quality hypotheses with a close fit to reality lead to more effective implementation in the real world. We encourage ‘loose’ thinking, a search for connections, deeper listening, an ‘open mind’, speculation and exploration without moral judgements. From this stance self-reflection as well as reflection on the situation can produce remarkable insights. The quality of theories or new stories generated is directly influenced by family members’ experiences and the models of learning, behaviour and emotion, systems, educational development, change and so on that they have been exposed to. Learning Objectives To provide opportunities for: Shared problem solving in a safe exploratory climate in which the family will find its own solutions. Individuals to reflect on their own actions and strategies An exploration of whole-family processes and their impact Emotional support and shared understandings of issues at a child, parent, family, school and community level. Feed back to each other on issues, ideas and strategies that are agreed to be worth sharing with them. Who Is It For? Anyone interested in working with families in a way that builds and makes use of their capacities rather than focus on their challenges and difficulties. Social Care teams School staff Community organisers Educational Psychologists Course Content True family empowerment Deepening shared stories and understandings Facilitating groups Problem solving process Handling family group communication Allowing direct feedback and challenge between participants in a safe way Building relationships Process: Family members are welcomed: Introductions are carried out, ground rules and aims clarified whilst coffee is drunk. A recap from the last session is carried out: To follow up developments and reflections after the last meeting. One issue is selected for the main focus Issue presentation: The family member who raised the concern is asked questions to tell the ‘story’ of the issue or problem. Additional questions/information from the group about the problem are gathered: Ground rules may need to be observed carefully here. Individual participants need to be kept focused and prevented from leaping to premature conclusions or to making ‘helpful’ suggestions about strategy. Relationship aspects to the problem are explored. Metaphors and analogies are invited. How would a fly on the wall see your relationship? If you were alone together on a desert island, what would it be like? Impact of previous relationships/spillage from one relationship to another are explored. Eg what situation they are reminded of? For instance, does this situation remind you of any of those angry but helpless feelings you had with your other son when he was an adolescent? This provides opportunities to reflect on how emotions rub off on other people. The parent feels really frustrated, and on reflection we can see that so does the child System/Organisation factors (Family system/school and community systems and so on): What aspects help or hinder the problem? For instance, does the pastoral system of the local school provide space, or time and skilled personnel able to counsel this young person and work actively with their parents? Synthesis. At this stage the Graphic facilitator summarises what they have heard. They then go on to describe linkages and patterns in what they have heard. This can be very powerful. The person doing the graphic work has been able to listen throughout the presentation process and will have been struck by strong messages, emotions and images as they have arisen. The story and meaning of what is happening in the situation may become a little clearer at this point. Typical links may be ‘mirrored emotions’ strong themes such as loss and separation issues, or repeated processes such as actions triggering rejection. This step provides an excellent grounding for the next process of deepening understanding. What alternative strategies/interventions are open to be used? Brainstormed and recorded. ’Either/ors’ need to be avoided at this time also. This needs to be a shared session in which the family member who is presenting the concern contributes as much as anyone. Care is needed to ensure that this person is not overloaded with other people’s strategies. The final selection of strategy or strategies from the brainstormed list is the problem presenter’s choice. Strategies might include: a special time for the young person, a meeting with the child’s parents to explore how she is being managed at home and to share tactics, a home-school diary, counselling, or an agreed action plan that all are aware of, agreed sanctions and rewards and so forth. Strategies may productively involve processes of restitution and restoration, when ‘sorry’ is not enough. Making it right, rather than punishments or rewards, may then becomes the focus. First Steps. The problem presenter is finally asked to agree one or two first steps which they can carry out over the next 3-7 days. It can help to assign a ‘coach’ who will check in with them to ensure they have carried out the action they have named. This is a time to be very specific. Steps should be small and achievable. The person is just ‘making a start’. A phone call, or making an agreement with a key other person not present at the meeting would be ideal examples. Final reflections. Sometimes referred to as a ‘round of words’ help with closure for all involved. Reflections are on the process not the problem. In large families this is best done standing in a circle. In smaller groups all can remain sitting. Passing around a ‘listening stick’ or something similar such as a stone or light heighten the significance of the process ending and improve listening. Finally the problem presenter is handed the ‘Graphic’ this is their record of the meeting and can be rolled and presented ceremoniously by the facilitators for maximum effect! If you liked this course you may well like: Parent Solutions
Duration 2 Days 12 CPD hours This course is intended for Leaders and professionals who manage teams or groups and are responsible for their outcomes will benefit from this course. Overview Apply techniques to encourage participation and reach consensus Utilize facilitative questioning techniques Recognize indicators to facilitate each stage of the team process Deal constructively with disruptions and typical problem behavior Implement interventions appropriately Plan and run a focused discussion, meeting or event Students will learn how to develop and apply facilitation techniques to support their team at every stage of the team life cycle. Students will enhance their interpersonal competencies and observational abilities to deal with disruptions and more. Private classes on this topic are available. We can address your organization?s issues, time constraints, and save you money, too. Contact us to find out how. 1. The Importance of Facilitation Being an Effective Facilitator Harnessing Knowledge, Experience, and Diversity Encouraging Group Motivation and Commitment Observing the Team Process 2. Facilitating Process and Content Identifying Process and Content Elements Managing the Flow Resolving Tensions and Disagreement 3. Setting the Stage for Facilitation Laying the Groundwork, Educating Participants, and Securing Support Selecting the Right Facilitator Planning for a Facilitated Meeting 4. Facilitating Team Development Encouraging Participation Recognizing Stages in the Team Life Cycle Supporting the Team through the Stages 5. Building Consensus and Reaching Decisions Gathering and Presenting Data Synthesizing and Summarizing Identifying Options and Brainstorming Facilitating SWOT Analysis Creating a Short List Using the Multi-Option technique 6. Disruptions, Dysfunctions and Interventions Handling Disruptions and Difficult Behavior Addressing Dysfunction Agreeing on Ground Rules Restating and Reframing
Management of Value (MoV®) Foundation This interactive MoV® Foundation course provides a modular and case-study-driven approach to learning Management of Value (MoV). The core knowledge is structured and comprehensive; and well-rounded modules cover the methodology and various techniques. A case study is used to help appreciate the relevance of MoV in its practical application. What you will Learn Upon completion of an MoV course candidates should be able to discuss and explain: The main processes and techniques used within MoV and the reasons for using them How MoV may be applied at portfolio, program, project and operational levels The differences in applying MoV at different stages in a project and the expected outputs from a MoV Study at each stage The circumstances under which MoV should be used The concept of value and how value may be improved The main benefits arising from the use of MoV Approaches for implementing MoV How to respond to external and internal influences The principles of embedding MoV into an organization The key topics in document checklists, the toolbox, health check, organizational maturity and individual competence. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Organize and contribute constructively to a Management of Value (MoV) Study Demonstrate a knowledge of MoV principles, processes, approach and environment Analyse a company, program or project to establish its organizational value; includes identification and weighting of Value Drivers Pass the AXELOS MoV Foundation Examination Introduction to value management and MoV Value and Value Management Capabilities, Outcomes, Benefits and Disbenefits What is Value? What is Management of Value (MoV)? Why use MoV? Where use MoV? When MoV should be used? What using MoV involve? Selected MoV benefits Relationship with other AXELOS Global Best Practices and Models How MoV fits with other AXELOS Global Best Practice Guides MoV principles Align with organization's objectives Focus on functions and required outcomes Balance the variables to maximise value Apply throughout the investment decision Tailor MoV to suit the subject Learn from experience and improve Assign clear roles and responsibilities and build a supportive culture MoV processes Frame the programme or project Gather information Analyse information Process information Evaluate and select Develop Value Improving Proposals Implement and share outputs MoV techniques Function Analysis Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) Traditional (or classic) FAST Technical FAST Customer FAST Value Trees Measuring value Value profiling (a.k.a. value benchmarking) Simple multi-attribute rating technique (a.k.a. SMART) Value index Value metrics Value for money (VfM) ratio Value Engineering / Analysis Common techniques used in MoV Analysis of information Benchmarking Process Mapping Root Cause Analysis Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Generating Ideas Brainstorming Evaluation and option selection Option Selection Matrix Idea selection Allocation to Categories Idea Selection Matrix Weighting techniques Paired Comparisons Points Distribution Developing VIPs Developing Proposals Cost Benefit Analysis Building Decisions Implementing VIPs Implementation Plans Feedback Following up Tracking Benefits Approach to Implementation Generic approach to MoV implementation Plan the MoV activities Understand and articulate value Prioritize value Improve value Quantify value Monitor improvements in value Learn lessons Environmental factors Portfolio Considerations Programme considerations Project considerations Operational Considerations Embedding MoV into an organization Benefits of Embedding MoV into an organization MoV Policy MoV Policy Composition Embedding MoV into an organisation Key steps Suggested MoV Management Structure Overcoming barriers We do it anyway It takes up too much time We can't afford to make the changes What's in it for me? Don't fix it if it ain't broke Fixed returns on investment MoV products Briefing Meeting Agenda (A.1) Communications Checklist (A.2) Equipment list for an Effective Study/Workshop (A.3) Invitation to join the Study Team (A.4) Option Evaluation Matrix (A.5) Plan the Study (A.6) Recording Idea Selection (A.7) Reporting Study outputs (A.8) Scoping the Study (A.9) Study or Workshop Handbook (A.10) Value-Improvement Proposal Forms (A.11) Value Improvement Tracking Report (A.12) MoV toolbox MoV health check and maturity model P3M3 Maturity Model MoV Maturity Model (aligned with P3M3)
Management of Value (MoV®) Foundation: Virtual In-House Training This interactive MoV® Foundation course provides a modular and case-study-driven approach to learning Management of Value (MoV). The core knowledge is structured and comprehensive; and well-rounded modules cover the methodology and various techniques. A case study is used to help appreciate the relevance of MoV in its practical application. What you will Learn Upon completion of an MoV course candidates should be able to discuss and explain: The main processes and techniques used within MoV and the reasons for using them How MoV may be applied at portfolio, program, project and operational levels The differences in applying MoV at different stages in a project and the expected outputs from a MoV Study at each stage The circumstances under which MoV should be used The concept of value and how value may be improved The main benefits arising from the use of MoV Approaches for implementing MoV How to respond to external and internal influences The principles of embedding MoV into an organization The key topics in document checklists, the toolbox, health check, organizational maturity and individual competence. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Organize and contribute constructively to a Management of Value (MoV) Study Demonstrate a knowledge of MoV principles, processes, approach and environment Analyse a company, program or project to establish its organizational value; includes identification and weighting of Value Drivers Pass the AXELOS MoV Foundation Examination Introduction to value management and MoV Value and Value Management Capabilities, Outcomes, Benefits and Disbenefits What is Value? What is Management of Value (MoV)? Why use MoV? Where use MoV? When MoV should be used? What using MoV involve? Selected MoV benefits Relationship with other AXELOS Global Best Practices and Models How MoV fits with other AXELOS Global Best Practice Guides MoV principles Align with organization's objectives Focus on functions and required outcomes Balance the variables to maximise value Apply throughout the investment decision Tailor MoV to suit the subject Learn from experience and improve Assign clear roles and responsibilities and build a supportive culture MoV processes Frame the programme or project Gather information Analyse information Process information Evaluate and select Develop Value Improving Proposals Implement and share outputs MoV techniques Function Analysis Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) Traditional (or classic) FAST Technical FAST Customer FAST Value Trees Measuring value Value profiling (a.k.a. value benchmarking) Simple multi-attribute rating technique (a.k.a. SMART) Value index Value metrics Value for money (VfM) ratio Value Engineering / Analysis Common techniques used in MoV Analysis of information Benchmarking Process Mapping Root Cause Analysis Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Generating Ideas Brainstorming Evaluation and option selection Option Selection Matrix Idea selection Allocation to Categories Idea Selection Matrix Weighting techniques Paired Comparisons Points Distribution Developing VIPs Developing Proposals Cost Benefit Analysis Building Decisions Implementing VIPs Implementation Plans Feedback Following up Tracking Benefits Approach to Implementation Generic approach to MoV implementation Plan the MoV activities Understand and articulate value Prioritize value Improve value Quantify value Monitor improvements in value Learn lessons Environmental factors Portfolio Considerations Programme considerations Project considerations Operational Considerations Embedding MoV into an organization Benefits of Embedding MoV into an organization MoV Policy MoV Policy Composition Embedding MoV into an organisation Key steps Suggested MoV Management Structure Overcoming barriers We do it anyway It takes up too much time We can't afford to make the changes What's in it for me? Don't fix it if it ain't broke Fixed returns on investment MoV products Briefing Meeting Agenda (A.1) Communications Checklist (A.2) Equipment list for an Effective Study/Workshop (A.3) Invitation to join the Study Team (A.4) Option Evaluation Matrix (A.5) Plan the Study (A.6) Recording Idea Selection (A.7) Reporting Study outputs (A.8) Scoping the Study (A.9) Study or Workshop Handbook (A.10) Value-Improvement Proposal Forms (A.11) Value Improvement Tracking Report (A.12) MoV toolbox MoV health check and maturity model P3M3 Maturity Model MoV Maturity Model (aligned with P3M3)
This highly interactive program focuses on building the business focus on value to be achieved from initiatives. The practices in this program apply equally to projects and programs. Participants will gain insight into the capabilities needed to develop the culture, processes, and tools behind validation, what true initiatives' success looks like, which can be closely linked to achieving value. They will learn and experiment with a variety of value definition and management techniques. Working in small groups, they will collaborate with others to brainstorm, share experiences, and apply concepts to the ongoing value confirmation goal. Participants will also discover the importance of designing metrics around value and addressing blind spots that could happen when the focus is on the wrong metrics and how that could lead to the wrong behaviors being practiced. Participants will also gain insights into key skills for leading and working in the future. Hands-on experimentation activities enhance the theoretical learning, grounding it in real life and giving opportunities to practice creativity in capturing value.
Tableau is an intuitive and simple tool to learn. This Tableau training course is a jumpstart to getting report writers and analysts who are self-taught or have no previous knowledge to being productive. It covers everything from connecting to data, through to creating interactive dashboards with a range of visualisations in three days. Having a quick turnaround from starting to use Tableau, to getting real, actionable insights means that you get a swift return on your investment. At the end of this course, you will be able to communicate insights more effectively, enabling your organisation to make better decisions, quickly. This accelerated approach is key to getting engagement from within your organisation so everyone can immediately see and feel the impact of the data and insights you create. Our Tableau Desktop Fast Track course combines all of our Foundation (Fundamentals) and Analyst (Intermediate) content into a 3 day live online course with added access to online bonus content of 3 additional modules. Gathering Requirements, Bring Your Own Data and Engaging Users. What do you get? This course is delivered live virtually and has all material provided through our online portal, together with email support and live coaching sessions. The full program includes all of the following elements: 3 days of live and interactive instructor-led sessions delivered by an expert Tableau Trainer 6 weeks access to our live coaching program delivered by expert Tableau coaches 50+ practical exercises to practice what you learn 12 months access to video’s that walk you through the theory and exercise solutions Practical advice, tools and resources for using Tableau in the real world The three additional online modules provide:Clarity on the approach to gathering dashboard requirements in a way that can be translated into dashboard designs.An agile and iterative development process that delivers products that meet user needs more quickly and effectively.An understanding of how end users will interact with dashboards to ensure that designers deliver actionable results. THE SYLLABUS PHASE 1: DESIGN MODULE 1: UNDERSTAND TABLEAU What is possible How does Tableau deal with data Know your way around Review of Type Conversions How do we format charts Dashboard basics – My first Dashboard MODULE 2: TRANSFORM DATA Connecting to and setting up data in Tableau Modifying data attributes How Do I Structure my Data – Groups & Hierarchies, Visual Groups How Tableau Deals with Dates – Using Discrete and Continuous Dates, Custom Dates How do I create calculated fields and why? – Creating Calculated Fields, Types of calculated fields, Row Level v Aggregations, Aggregating dimensions in calculations, Changing the Level of Detail (LOD) of calculations – What, Why, How MODULE 3: GATHER REQUIREMENTS(ONLINE CONTENT ONLY) Brainstorm and assess possible priorities Pitfalls to avoid Gather requirements PHASE 2: DEVELOP MODULE 4: CREATE CHARTS Charts that Compare Multiple Measures – Measure Names and Measure Values, Shared Axis Charts, Dual Axis Charts, Scatter Plots Showing progress over time Creating Tables – Creating Tables, Highlight Tables, Heat Maps Showing Relational & Proportional Data – Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Tree Maps Making things dynamic with parameters MODULE 5: COMBINE DATA Relationships Joining Tables – Join Types, Joining tables within the same database, cross database joins, join calculations Blending – How to create a blend with common fields, Custom defined Field relationships and mismatched element names, Calculated fields in blended data sources Unions – Manual Unions and mismatched columns, Wildcard unions Data Extracts – Creating & Editing Data extracts MODULE 6: ANALYSE INFORMATION Table Calculations Sets, Reference Lines, Trends and Forecasting Answering spatial questions – Mapping, Creating a choropleth (filled) map, Using your own images for spatial analysis, Mapping with spatial files Advanced charts Bar in Bar charts Bullet graphs Creating Bins and Histograms Creating a Box & Whisker plot Viz in Tooltips PHASE 3: DESIGN MODULE 7: BUILD DASHBOARDS Using the Dashboard Interface Device layouts Dashboard Actions – Set actions, Parameter actions Viz in Tooltips for Dashboards Dashboard containers – Horizontal & Vertical containers, Hidden containers Navigate between dashboards Telling data driven stories MODULE 8: BRING YOUR OWN DATA Design Best Practices & Resources Wireframe templates Questions Process Start building and testing MODULE 9: EMPOWER STAKEHOLDERS What is Tableau Server Publishing & permissions How can your users engage with content The Tableau ecosystem Review your progress Your next steps HOW MUCH OF YOUR TIME WILL THIS TAKE? Delegates are also provided 6 weeks access to our Tableau Coaching. We run Live Q&A sessions from 4pm-5pm on a Monday (Connecting to Data and Calculated Fields), 2pm-3pm Friday (Creating Charts) & 4pm-5pm Friday (Dashboard Design). The coaching helps delegates to transition from the theory of using Tableau to its practical use. We’d be expecting them to apply the exercises you’ll be doing during the course, onto your own data after the course. In our experience, this is the best way to increase both understanding and long term memory retention. The live coaching also acts as a troubleshooting platform for any practical issues that delegates need to overcome in the real world. Delegates also have 12 months access to all of the training material covered in the course in the form of an online portal (this includes theory videos, exercise solution videos, exercise materials and even quizzes). We have a growing LinkedIn community that delegates are encouraged to join and participate in. We regularly post useful blog posts and additional training that will enhance the Tableau journey and understanding. We help teams using Tableau to transform in the following ways : From a disjointed understanding of Tableau – To being familiar with Tableau terminology and capability From ad-hoc data uploads and error prone calculations – To reusable data connections and robust metrics From disjointed stakeholder questions – To clear and concise requirements that lead to decision making From being unsure how difficult Tableau will be to learn – To being able to develop standard charts and tables in Tableau with dynamic reporting capabilities From manually combining data for each analytical task – To dynamically combining data from multiple tables for analysis From being unsure how to answer analytical questions and what options there are – To being equipped with multiple actionable, dynamic, analytical use cases From not knowing Why, When and How to create Dashboards or Story’s – To being able to combine analysis to answer complex questions and tell data driven stories From using demo data theory – To Delivering value [Answering questions] on their own data From spending lots of time answering colleagues ad-hoc (data) questions – To empowering stakeholders in answering ad-hoc queries and reducing the time to analyse and steer the business