Live via Zoom. Fortnightly - 1/15/29 Oct, 12/26 Nov, 10 Dec - 6-8pm UK time Join artist Julie Galante for this course designed to nurture your creative practice. Together we’ll explore ways to create work that reflects your individual interests, passion, and point of view, no matter your experience level. The course content is delivered over six live Zoom sessions, in a small, welcoming group with plenty of opportunities for interaction. Additionally, there will be optional (but highly recommended) assignments to complete in between the live sessions - assignments designed to get you stuck in to your creative practice in new and interesting ways. During each live session, there will be a demonstration focusing on a particular aspect of visual art - this will include various materials, subjects, and considerations such as composition, theme, mark-making, layering, and so on. We will also have a look at everyone’s recent creations, with celebration of the triumphs and suggestions for moving forward with work-in-progress. Together we’ll explore techniques including drawing, painting, mixed-media, and collage, but you don’t have to work exclusively in these media to take part - all creative disciplines are welcome. Each participant will be encouraged to deepen their explorations in whatever direction interests them most - be it a series of drawings, written reflections, sketches, collages, photographs, mixed-media pieces, or a unique, personal combination of all these. There will be an optional Facebook group for participants to stay connected and share their creations with each other between sessions. There will also be discounts available for other workshops and one-to-one mentoring.
A standalone 10 week/session course that will introduce you to the basic materials, tools, equipment and techniques used in paper crafting and mixed media work and to Craft4Smiles C.I.C and our tutors. You will be sent all the materials and equipment needed to complete the course. At the end of each lesson you will have a crafted item to take away to keep or show family and friends. You will be told about the other courses you offer so that you can make an informed choice about further learning.
CLAB Candle Artist's professional candle certificate course teaches the principles of candle making and covers 29 unique candle items.
In deze webinar gaan we in op het gebruik van Mailchimp als platform om e-mails vorm te geven en e-adressen van je contacten mee te verzamelen en te beheren. Bovendien zorgt het systeem ook dat je voldoet aan de eisen van de GDPR en privacywetgeving In deze webinar gaan we in op Mailchimp, niet alleen omdat we hier als school zelf mee werken, maar ook omdat het platform gratis is zolang je minder dan 2000 adressen in het systeem zitten hebt. Voor beginnende kunstenaars en ontwerpers is dat dus een betaalbaar systeem. In deze workshop belichten we verschillende aspecten van een mailing, adresformulieren en sjablonen. We zoomen ook in op de account van LUCA en wat dit betekent voor studenten en docenten van LUCA. De webinar staat open voor studenten, alumni en docenten van LUCA School of Arts.
If you have a lots of going on in your life and feel a bit lost, craving for some relaxing time and creativity, join me online for an hour of journaling, mindful breathing, drawing and lettering
Do you want to learn develop your crochet skills further, but don't know where to start? Let us help! These intermediate crochet workshops will take you through more complex stitches and projects all led by your interests and needs. We offer one-to-one sessions in the comfort of your own home and are always available for help in between sessions.
Do you want to learn how to crochet, but don't know where to start? Let us help! Our crochet workshop will start from scratch and finish as a confident crocheter. You'll learn the basic stitches and develop onto decorative stitches, so that by the end of the course you can produce a number of products of your choice from decorations to cardigans. We offer one-to-one sessions in the comfort of your own home and are always available for help in between sessions.
A perfect opportunity to explore coloured pencil drawing for those who have never put pencil to paper. Also a wonderful course for those newer to drawing and wanting to learn some basic techniques.