Learn the basics of Data Science, combining a supported #CISCO Skills for All online course with practical learning and a project to help consolidate the learning.
CORPORATE TRAINING There are currently 13 million women going through menopause in the UK. 4.3 million of them are aged between 45-55 years old, which is the fastest growing demographic in the workforce SB Wellbeing provides training for companies who are serious about providing support for their female staff going through menopause. Also, up-skilling managers and leaders on what they need to know. Manager training includes what menopause is, how it can affect the individual at work, as well as the bigger picture of how it can impact the business, and how best to support them. Colleague training is for anyone going through menopause or supporting someone who is. It's fully inclusive and highly interactive. The two programmes can be run back to back or separately and be delivered via webinar or in-person. For more information and to book your training please get in touch. Here's what people are saying... " Thank you Sally for an amazing presentation yesterday – I had lots of the team say how good it was and how much they had learnt." - Leonard Design Architects, Nottingham "Just to say everyone absolutely loved training session 1!! The feedback from the second session was ace!! - Co-op Academy, Failsworth "Open & frank conversation. Very factual and a great all round guide" - tp bennett, London "The more staff that have this training the better, especially principle/director level." - tp bennett, London
The fundamental tool to identify waste, create effective process flow, reduce process cycle times, and implement process improvement.
Do you use video as a tool to promote your charity, business, organisation or campaigns? And if you don’t, do you feel as if you ought to? Videos account for more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic. So the pressure to use video as a marketing and PR tool has increased enormously. But the cost can be prohibitive. Using a video production company, such as ours, might be ideal, but for many it is out of reach – particularly if, like many of our clients, you’re a charity. However, there is an alternative, which more and more organisations are choosing, especially those which need to produce regular digital content. That is to produce the video yourself. Nowadays, you do not even need to invest in a video camera. All you need is your smart phone, some simple equipment you can buy on Amazon for as little as £80, plus your laptop or PC. This is why we have developed a new smartphone video training course, Smart Video. Our smartphone video training course covers: Equipment – including setting up your phone, microphones, tripods and editing programmes Planning your video Techniques to give your films broadcast-quality polish Getting the perfect shot – including shot sizes, positioning the camera, framing, lighting, sound, sequences and backgrounds Filming interviews An introduction to editing Producing videos for social media Bespoke training The course can be tailored to the type of videos you need to make. If most of your videos will be interviews, we’ll focus on presenting your interviewee in the best possible light – literally. If, on the other hand, you need to film buildings, events or products, we’ll tailor the course accordingly. If your video needs a script, we’ll give you tips and techniques on how to “write to pictures”, so your messages comes across well. And on all our courses, we’ll give you a guide to the best equipment and apps to use to enhance your filming and editing. The smartphone video course will be led by Paul Curran who has many years experience producing, filming and editing films and videos, for the BBC and corporate clients.
Maximise your potential with bespoke individual development
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This course is for learners gain an awareness of the causes and effects and identify signs and symptoms of Epilepsy, lifestyle issues associated with Epilepsy and plan effective levels of care for people.
This course is designed to provide delegates with awareness in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and how it may affect them, their colleagues, and their employer.
The course seeks to improve the wellbeing and experience of people with dementia and of the care staff working with them. It should improve your confidence in managing situations you find challenging.