Learn to teach basic life support effectively with our "Promoting Best Practice in Basic Life Support Instruction" course. Ideal for healthcare professionals, educators, and individuals interested in life-saving interventions.
An info-packed 2-day course exploring a simple, practical, patient-centred, evidence-based way to help all types of painful shoulders
Memahami aturan dan strategi dasar permainan blackjack Blackjack adalah permainan kartu kasino populer yang tujuan utamanya adalah mengalahkan kartu dealer tanpa melebihi 21 poin. Permainan dimulai dengan pemain memasang taruhan sebelum kartu dibagikan. Setiap pemain menerima dua kartu, dan dealer juga mendapat dua kartu, dengan satu kartu menghadap ke atas. Memahami nilai kartu sangat penting; kartu bernomor bernilai sesuai dengan nilai nominalnya, kartu bergambar (King, Queen, dan Jack) bernilai sepuluh, dan As dapat bernilai satu atau sebelas. Pengetahuan mendasar ini menjadi dasar untuk membuat keputusan strategis selama permainan. Pemain juga harus mengetahui aturan mengenai memukul, berdiri, menggandakan taruhan, dan membagi pasangan, karena tindakan ini dapat mempengaruhi peluang menang secara signifikan. Pemanfaatan bagan strategi dasar sangat penting untuk meningkatkan peluang menang dalam permainan blackjack. Bagan tersebut menguraikan keputusan optimal berdasarkan kartu pemain dan kartu dealer yang terlihat. Misalnya, salah satu aturan penting adalah selalu berdiri pada kartu 17 atau lebih tinggi, terlepas dari kartu terbuka dealer. Selain itu, pemain di situs dewa poker harus menggandakan taruhan saat mereka memiliki kartu 11 yang sulit melawan kartu terbuka dealer mana pun, karena strategi ini memaksimalkan potensi kemenangan. Dengan mematuhi strategi yang ditetapkan ini, pemain dapat meminimalkan keunggulan bandar, membuat keputusan yang tepat yang selaras dengan probabilitas matematika. Menguasai strategi dasar ini sangat penting bagi pemain pemula dan berpengalaman yang ingin meningkatkan permainan mereka. Sebagai pemula dalam blackjack, penting untuk menyadari kesalahan umum yang dapat berdampak negatif pada permainan Anda. Salah satu kesalahan signifikan adalah gagal mengelola uang Anda secara efektif; pemain harus menetapkan anggaran sebelum bermain dan mematuhinya. Selain itu, banyak pemula membuat kesalahan dengan mengambil taruhan asuransi, yang biasanya tidak menguntungkan pemain dalam jangka panjang. Kesalahan umum lainnya adalah menyimpang dari strategi dasar karena emosi atau intuisi, yang dapat menyebabkan pengambilan keputusan yang buruk. Dengan mengenali kesalahan ini dan menggunakan pendekatan yang disiplin, pemula dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pengalaman dan keberhasilan mereka secara keseluruhan dalam blackjack. Teknik tingkat lanjut untuk meningkatkan permainan Anda Salah satu teknik paling kuat dalam permainan blackjack adalah menghitung kartu. Meskipun dianggap sulit, penghitungan kartu adalah strategi yang sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda melawan dealer. Dengan menggunakan sistem penghitungan yang seimbang, seperti Hi-Lo, pemain di situs poker 88 dapat mengubah jumlah running count mereka menjadi true count saat permainan berlangsung. Ketika true count positif, ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lebih banyak kartu besar yang tersisa di dek, yang dapat meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapatkan blackjack atau total yang lebih tinggi. Mengingat hal ini, pemain dapat meningkatkan taruhan mereka saat jumlah meningkat, memaksimalkan potensi kemenangan mereka. Sistem taruhan juga merupakan elemen penting dalam strategi blackjack yang berhasil, dengan Martingale menjadi salah satu yang paling terkenal. Dalam sistem ini, pemain menggandakan taruhan mereka setiap kali mereka kalah, dengan harapan dapat memulihkan kekalahan saat akhirnya menang. Misalnya, jika taruhan dasar Anda adalah $10 dan Anda kalah, taruhan berikutnya menjadi $20. Jika Anda menang, taruhan selanjutnya akan turun kembali ke $10. Meskipun sistem ini dapat memberikan keuntungan jangka pendek, penting untuk diingat bahwa bankroll yang cukup besar dan batas meja yang sesuai sangat penting untuk mencegah kebangkrutan saat menggunakan Martingale. Menyesuaikan permainan Anda berdasarkan kartu terbuka dealer adalah langkah strategi yang sering diabaikan oleh banyak pemain. Ketika dealer menunjukkan kartu rendah, seperti 2 hingga 6, pemain dapat lebih agresif dalam strategi mereka, termasuk menggandakan taruhan dan mengambil lebih banyak risiko. Sebaliknya, jika dealer menunjukkan kartu tinggi, seperti 10 atau Ace, pemain di website domino bet harus lebih berhati-hati dan mempertimbangkan untuk tidak mengambil kartu tambahan pada total yang lebih rendah dari 17. Dengan memahami cara menyesuaikan strategi bermain berdasarkan kartu terbuka dealer, pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk menang secara signifikan. Aspek psikologis dalam bermain blackjack Mengelola emosi dan tetap fokus adalah aspek psikologis yang sangat penting dalam bermain blackjack. Emosi dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pemain, sehingga penting untuk menjaga ketenangan selama permainan. Pemain yang terjebak dalam emosi negatif seperti frustrasi atau keserakahan cenderung membuat keputusan buruk, seperti meningkatkan taruhan secara impulsif atau bermain dengan cara yang tidak strategis. Dengan menerapkan teknik pernapasan atau meditasi sebelum bermain, pemain dapat membantu menenangkan pikiran dan meningkatkan konsentrasi. Ini memungkinkan mereka untuk mengambil keputusan yang lebih rasional dan strategis, yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan peluang kemenangan mereka. Mengenali pola dan perilaku pemain lain juga merupakan elemen kunci dalam strategi psikologis bermain blackjack. Dengan memperhatikan cara pemain lain bertindak, seorang pemain dapat mengidentifikasi kebiasaan tertentu yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Misalnya, jika pemain lain sering menggandakan taruhan pada situasi tertentu, ini bisa menjadi sinyal bahwa mereka memiliki strategi yang dapat diprediksi. Selain itu, memahami sinyal non-verbal dan ekspresi wajah pemain di website dewapoker lain juga dapat memberikan wawasan tentang kekuatan tangan mereka. Misalnya, ketegangan atau kegembiraan yang berlebihan dapat mengindikasikan kekuatan atau kelemahan yang mungkin tidak terlihat. Dengan mengamati dan menganalisis perilaku ini, pemain dapat menyesuaikan strategi mereka sendiri untuk meraih keuntungan. Pentingnya disiplin dan manajemen dana tidak dapat diabaikan dalam permainan blackjack. Disiplin dalam mengikuti strategi yang telah ditetapkan, serta kemampuan untuk mengelola bankroll secara bijaksana, adalah kunci keberhasilan jangka panjang. Pemain harus menetapkan batas taruhan dan mematuhi batas tersebut, terlepas dari hasil permainan. Ini mencegah keputusan impulsif yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar. Selain itu, menyusun strategi taruhan yang konsisten, seperti meningkatkan taruhan secara bertahap setelah menang dan mengurangi taruhan setelah kalah, dapat membantu menjaga kestabilan keuangan pemain. Dengan disiplin dan manajemen dana yang tepat, pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk tidak hanya bertahan dalam permainan, tetapi juga meraih keuntungan yang lebih besar.
This qualification is for tutors, trainers, or assessors, who are new into their role and looking for development of teaching, training and assessment skills. The qualification is made up of a range of units which can be adapted to any learning and development role, so, whether you are working with groups or individuals; delivering training in classrooms, in the workplace or online; planning training sessions or developing resources, units can be combined to suit your role and career objectives. This qualification is an expansion of the Level 3 Award in Education and Training qualification; it also contains the Assessor units for anyone looking to become a qualified assessor. Please see this link for the full qualification breakdown. This qualification is delivered though monthly workshops and mentoring visits from our Learning Advisor, who will support and advise you to develop your knowledge and skills in learning and development. You will also carry out self study and develop training sessions and materials. The course takes between 9-15 months to complete. You will be able to: Plan and deliver engaging and inclusive teaching and training sessions Adapt training and assessment to meet learners’ individual needs Facilitate learning one to one or in groups Have the option to complete the Assessor qualification as part of the course Use reflective practice to improve on your training and assessment skills Access funding for this qualification as part of an Apprenticeship programme *eligibility criteria apply Further Information To access the apprenticeship funding you must: Be new into role within the last 12 months (and be able to provide a contract with your start date in the role) Complete Essential Skills in Communication, Application of Number and Digital Literacy (or provide GCSE Certificates to be exempt). Workshops are provided. Live or work in Wales Be employed / self employed for a minimum of 16 hours per week Workshops include: • Course induction and Reflective Practice • The purpose and context of Learning and Development • Inclusive Practice: Universal Design for Learning • Session Planning • Teaching Methods and approaches • Micro-teach • The Principles and Practices of Assessment (optional) Partnerships This qualification is delivered in partnership with ALS training who provide funding from the Welsh Government Benefits Gain confidence in your teaching and training skills Gain an industry recognised qualification Learn from our experienced Learning Advisor and have bespoke support and guidance Discover practical tools and techniques you can apply in your training and assessment Develop your own professional network When? The next course start date is June 2024 Where? The workshops are held online. The mentoring visits can either be online or in person depending on location and preference Who? This course is for tutors, trainers or assessors who are new into role within the last 12 months Cost For anyone living or working win Wales, this can be fully funded as part of an Apprenticeship Programme. Please enquire at our office on 029 21679037 for eligibility criteria.
Learning Agile or Scrum without the necessary work context is ineffective; more importantly, learning Agile or Scrum without a platform to practice and apply them on an ongoing basis is futile. IIL's Mastering Hybrid Approaches for Projects workshop provides both context and practice across all aspects of the value delivery system including waterfall, hybrid, and Agile approaches. This workshop provides options that span the value delivery spectrum for developing scope, estimating durations, managing schedules, and tracking progress. For example, participants will learn how to organize scope with a WBS and prioritize it with a backlog as well as lead the day-to-day work with a task board. The workshop also covers how to integrate iterations and releases into a high-level predictive schedule. The project team is the heart of the project. This workshop explains various team roles along with key leadership skills such as emotional intelligence and decision making. Key tenets of Agile practices, such as servant leadership and self-managing teams are explored along with the different types of meetings, such as daily stand-ups, iteration planning, and demonstrations. Those who attend will be better prepared to situationally apply agile and hybrid concepts. In addition, this course provides the structure for critical thinking to occur: to know and understand when to apply a predictive approach, when to apply an adaptive approach and when and how to combine them in a tailored and customized hybrid approach that meets the needs and demands of the project and the organization. The learning experience design is rooted in real world perspectives, leveraging team exercises based on a comprehensive case study.
Enhance your prospect risks and volumes assessment skills with EnergyEdge's comprehensive classroom training. Join now!
Managing Benefits™ Practitioner: In-House Training Managing Benefits™ provides generally applicable guidance encompassing benefits management principles, practices, and techniques. The purpose of the Practitioner-level qualification is to confirm whether you have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor the Managing Benefits guidance and, specifically, the principles, practices, techniques, roles, and documentation in a scenario situation. A Practitioner candidate should, with suitable support, be able to plan, implement, sustain, and measure benefits management while adapting to different organizational environments. You should also be able to: Identify activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle, together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles Evaluate examples of benefits management information (documents) Analyse the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario This course will prepare you to take and pass the Practitioner exam, which is held on the afternoon of the second day. Using APMG-provided sample exam papers and additional project case studies, you will learn how to apply what you've learned during the Foundation course and how to approach the scenario-based Practitioner exam, which is aimed at testing your ability to apply Managing Benefits in an actual project environment (via simulated case study). What You Will Learn You'll learn how to: Plan for the implementation of benefits management Select appropriate strategies to sustain and measure progress Select and adapt principles, practices, and techniques to suit different organizational environments Identify activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles Evaluate examples of benefits management information (documents) Analyse the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario Improve your ability to pass the APMG Managing Benefits Practitioner Certification exam Introductions Course structure Course goals and objectives Overview and Principles Review Managing Benefits Practices Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam Preparation Practitioner Exam Briefing Review of and practice with APMG sample questions and test papers Sample project case study scenarios to apply the concepts in practice and deepen the learning Sample Practitioner Exam Debrief Results from Sample Practitioner Exam APMG Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam
Managing Benefits™ Practitioner Managing Benefits™ provides generally applicable guidance encompassing benefits management principles, practices, and techniques. The purpose of the Practitioner-level qualification is to confirm whether you have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor the Managing Benefits guidance and, specifically, the principles, practices, techniques, roles, and documentation in a scenario situation. A Practitioner candidate should, with suitable support, be able to plan, implement, sustain, and measure benefits management while adapting to different organizational environments. You should also be able to: Identify activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle, together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles Evaluate examples of benefits management information (documents) Analyse the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario This course will prepare you to take and pass the Practitioner exam, which is held on the afternoon of the second day. Using APMG-provided sample exam papers and additional project case studies, you will learn how to apply what you've learned during the Foundation course and how to approach the scenario-based Practitioner exam, which is aimed at testing your ability to apply Managing Benefits in an actual project environment (via simulated case study). What You Will Learn You'll learn how to: Plan for the implementation of benefits management Select appropriate strategies to sustain and measure progress Select and adapt principles, practices, and techniques to suit different organizational environments Identify activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles Evaluate examples of benefits management information (documents) Analyse the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario Improve your ability to pass the APMG Managing Benefits Practitioner Certification exam Introductions Course structure Course goals and objectives Overview and Principles Review Managing Benefits Practices Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam Preparation Practitioner Exam Briefing Review of and practice with APMG sample questions and test papers Sample project case study scenarios to apply the concepts in practice and deepen the learning Sample Practitioner Exam Debrief Results from Sample Practitioner Exam APMG Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam
In our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, organizational resilience is key to adapting, surviving, and thriving. The world is experiencing a level of disruption and business risk not seen in generations. Some companies freeze and fail, while others innovate, advance, and even thrive. The difference is resilience. As crises become more frequent, the ability to thrive in crises is now essential. The Oxford English Dictionary defines resilience - in an organizational context - as 'the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties'. A resilient business is one which is capable not of just withstanding shocks and disruptions in the business environment, but also capable of adapting to and taking advantage of them. It is more than simply bouncing back after a crisis or being an agile organization. Business Resilience Fundamentals training and supporting certification are underpinned by the publication BUSINESS RESILIENCE: A practical guide to sustained progress delivered at pace. It provides a cohesive, practical guide to building business resilience, enabling leaders to implement an effective framework in an inclusive and sustainable way. Participants will be guided on implementing and adapting a range of tools to build and enhance organizational resilience. This course will help participants to ensure their organization is better prepared for the next crisis and to anticipate fluctuations in the business environment to take advantage.