manchester hub drama school (mhd acting school)
Manchester Hub Drama School (formerly Little Hub Drama), also known as MHD
Acting School, is a professional drama school for adults in Manchester, UK; an
exciting, passionate and professional Actor training ground. The school was
launched in 2014 by Award Winning and critically acclaimed Writer/Directors &
Acting Coaches Stevie Helps and Paul Kenney, who own the Manchester based New
Live Theatre Company. MHDrama was set up to be an affordable place for Actors to
play, take risks, learn, develop and perform; giving them the opportunity to
showcase themselves to Agents and Casting Directors. MHD Acting School strive to
make sure our Actors stand out in this crowded industry and nail their auditions
and performances. Our doors are also warmly opened for Mature, International and
Returning Actors. We welcome those looking to improve their confidence, build on
their communication skills and meet new people who share similar interests. We
encourage a supportive environment at all times.