About Core Learning Services
Put simply, we make it easy for businesses to extend their eLearning provision. At the forefront of eLearning supply for over 15 years, we provide a “single point of access” to over 2000 courses from 50+ leading publishers. We combine this breadth and depth of content with flexible purchase options to meet the diverse needs of eLearning buyers. In partnership with us: eLearning Buyers can easily evaluate and acquire content for their LMS (or buyers can opt to use our LMS at no additional cost). eLearning Publishers can distribute their courses through our multiple sales channels (and also use our SCORM connectors to provision content to their own clients). eLearning Resellers, publishers and training companies can extend the range of content that they provide (use your LMS or ours). LMS Providers can sell and deliver content to their clients via their own platform. Our SCORM connector technology, coupled with flexible "pay as you go" purchase options, ensures that our partners (and their customers!) can access the content they need, as they need it.
Key Details
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Primary Location
- 128 Hoxton Street
- London
- United Kingdom
- N1 6SH
All Locations
- 6 Branshaw Garden Keighley Road, Keighley
- 128 Hoxton Street, London
- 3 Chip Street, London