About Writers' HQ
We’ve got everything you need to get going, keep going, plot, edit, unpick, rebuild, and publish your stories Woman writing in notepad and looking out the window REAL LIFE WRITING RETREATS We’re back! Procrastination-busting, word-writing, story-eating, tea-drinking, biscuit-dunking online writing retreats across the UK. BAG YOUR PLACE NOW! woman-tattoo-writing-notepad FREE CREATIVE WRITING COURSES A squillion creative writing courses, covering novel writing, short story writing, productivity and publishing. Plus a four free courses available right now. CHECK OUT THE FREE COURSES hijab-woman-computer THE ABSOLUTE BEST COMMUNITY WHQers are quite simply the most productive, supportive, story-making, gif-slinging, hilarious, generous, loving bunch of writertypes anywhere ever.
Key Details
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Primary Location
- Suffolk Street Queensway
- Birmingham
- United Kingdom
- B1 1TT
All Locations
- Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham
- Ship Street, Brighton
- 19 Windsor Place, Edinburgh