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Delivered In-Person
6 weeks
Build confidence, overcome shyness and social anxiety to improve your career prospects.
Breakthrough is a powerful course which will enable you to break out of your shell – no matter how inhibited or stuck you feel you are and to build an effortless self-confidence.
The Breakthrough Course is based on Claire Schrader's experiences of being an introvert and what really worked in getting her out of her shell so she could express herself powerfully in the world. As a result, she has achieved things in her personal and professional life, she never would have dreamed possible.
Claire has helped many thousand quiet, shy and introverted people transform their lives through her unique confidence-building system, the Sunflower Effect, since 1997.
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From time to time, we also run online courses on Zoom.
Recommended and proven to be highly effective for quiet, shy or introverted people.
This group is designed for you if:
You want to break out of your shell. You may be an introvert, quiet, shy, reserved or have been through experiences that have caused you to retreat into your shell.
You know you ought to be more successful than you are; you lack self-confidence in an important area or suddenly lost confidence for no reason.
You want to overcome your fear/avoidance of the spotlight so you can be seen, valued and recognised by the people who are important to you in your career or personal life.
You are perceived by others as being “too quiet". You experience social anxiety/awkwardness or feel you are invisible to other people.
You have a tendency to bottle up your feelings, or don't express your feelings for fear of hurting other people, and this may be creating health problems, tiredness and feeling blocked/stuck.
The course has transformed the lives of many hundreds of quieter people with confidence issues, many of whom have been struggling to make changes for many years.
There is a very high success rate for everyone who completes the course.
Participants commonly say that this course is quicker and more effective, and considerably more economical than any other approaches they have tried. Sometimes saving them thousands of pounds.
Most participants report:
Greater self-confidence, which continues to improve long after the course has finished.
They are more relaxed and natural in social situations.
No longer afraid of looking foolish or feeling exposed and embarrassed.
They are being more authentic and true to themselves.
Their shyness and/or social anxiety has either completely disappeared or greatly reduced, so it is no longer stopping them from doing the thing they want in life.
Unexpected promotions or found the inspiration to change jobs or seek a new career.
They are now naturally more assertive and able to hold their own with challenging people.
They are doing things in their lives they never could have done before the course, e.g. dating, making new friends, activities they dreamed of being able to do etc.
They have increased energy, aliveness, and health problems have either disappeared or are much improved.
Unlike assertiveness and other confidence-building courses that teach you a series of techniques that you will quickly forget, the Breakthrough Course enables you to work from the inside and to build a natural self-confidence that comes from a deep place within you.
This is because it uses an adapted form of drama that has been developed by Claire Schrader particularly for people who struggle in the area of confidence and self-expression.
It has long been known that drama builds confidence; however the structure and the way many drama classes are taught often achieves the opposite effect and can even set you back.
The course is designed in a way so that:
You will gradually stretch out of your comfort zone in a safe and non-confrontational atmosphere.
You will be supported by a group of people who understand how you feel and whom you can really trust.
You will be offered incremental challenges and opportunities to take risks. But these will be of your choosing. You will not be thrown in the deep end or made to do anything you don't want to do.
Your lack of confidence may also often be connected to bad experiences in the past that have caused you to shut down and close down your options.
You will also have opportunities get to try out many new and different behaviours and to open up your options - and you will be surprised when you start behaving in new and different ways in your everyday life.
You will also have the opportunity to work on a personal issue through a powerful creative process that gets right to the unconscious root of the cause that is inhibiting your confidence or self-expression. And will shift you at a fundamental level. This is why the course is a little more expensive than some courses yu. But more economical in the long run since it achieves outstanding results.
The course is limited to twelve people, and a very important aspect of the group is the support and encouragement you will receive from other group members.
There are also opportunities to participate in other courses after you have completed this course, which will develop other skills to further build your confidence and overall success.
A favourite is Finding Your Voice - which will enable you to overcome your fear of speaking in front of groups, e.g. in meetings, giving presentations and in social groups. It's a natural next step after the Breakthrough Course.
Many participants also, go on to join the "I Don't Know What To Say" Improvisation for Social Confidence. This is one of the most effective ways of overcoming social awkwardness, inhibitions and overanalysing everything you say and do.
The Sunflower Effect is a proven confide...