Crosby Collective is a fantastic, innovative and vibrant hub. Tyrone and all the staff are a credit and have been very supportive in the work of our PA Agency. The centre has been of great use especially the multifunctional Kitchen Space and meeting rooms which are helping to make a positive impact to those we support In the community. We look forward to watching the Centre continue to grow...keep up the great work!
This is such a warm, welcoming and friendly venue. It is a welcome addition to Scunthorpe amenities and it s great to watch it going from strength to strength and becoming a valuable community asset.
The Crosby Collective is one of the most innovative non government organisation initiatives in Scunthorpe. Led by Tyrone Curran an innovative , intuitive and inspiring leader with his empowering, enabling and collaborative style of leadership. I wish them every success in their collective endeavours. Revd Canon Cameron Martin Old Brumby Scunthorpe