About The Childcare Company
Smart Assessor is an electronic collection of a learner’s skills and knowledge, which is assessed by their Development Coach against a training standard or qualification and replaces paper portfolios. Perfect for apprentices, work based learners, classroom students and anyone undertaking training, as you can replace paper evidence with videos, photos and voice recordings as evidence of competence and the portfolio is always available, both offline and securely on the web. Assessors and Development Coaches can track learner progress dynamically to achieve timely completions. The teaching and learning resources are made up of tutorials, videos, good practice examples, presentations, multimedia activities, activity sheets and reading. Everything you need for your course is in one place and you can upload your work to your online portfolio to be marked by your Development Coach. Your Development Coach will be in contact with you every week and in most cases the contact time with your Development Coach is greater than going to college. It means you have one-to-one learning sessions with your Tutor, rather than having to share your time with a class full of others. Why choose The Childcare Company The Childcare Company is a sister company of Impact Futures. We have extensive experience in running independent day schools and nurseries, and the company Directors opened one of the very first free schools in 2011. The writers of our learning resources frequently write for trade press on education issues and have also advised Government on specific issues. Course content incorporates the EYFS and is updated as necessary in line with any changes. The Childcare Company works closely with large nursery chains, private training providers, local authorities and government funding bodies all over the country.
Key Details
Please note, this profile is not managed by The Childcare Company. The information on this profile may have been submitted by an independent community member or obtained from a public source. As a result, it may be outdated or inaccurate. Logo provided by Clearbit to help identify the profile for review purposes. Cademy is an unbiased information source and does not have any affiliation with or directly endorse this profile.
Primary Location
- Floor 1, The Switch 1, 7 The Grove, Hatfield Rd
- Slough
- United Kingdom
- SL1 1QP
All Locations
- Floor 1, The Switch 1, 7 The Grove, Hatfield Rd, Slough
- Floor 1, The Urban Building, 3-9 Albert Street, Slough