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Swindon Young Actors
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Swindon Young Actors



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  • I joined Swindon Young Actors when I was about 6 or 7 and stayed till I was 20! Going to SYA was genuinely one of the best decisions I've made (well my mum made it initially) in my life. As a young boy and awkward teenager, SYA built up my confidence and gave my a lifelong group of friends. Who still meet up now, even though we've all gone our separate ways. I'm currently in my last year at Drama school and I would not have got here without Marks superb teaching. Mark was teaching me acting ...

  • Professionally and personally speaking, SYA played a huge part in my childhood/teenage years, and Mark's training is with me everyday in my professional life. I am now a lecturer at a university, and in every class, or lecture, or paper I deliver I use the techniques I learnt at SYA. I 'stand in neutral' at the beginning of a talk, I know how to use my diaphragm to project my voice across a room. I can speak clearly, confidently, and with energy when I am engaging with the public. This all ca...

  • SYA was an enormous part of my development as a kid, teenager and adult. The friendships and skills I picked up as a result of going to Mark's classes every week will stay with me forever. (I had beers with some friends from SYA over the weekend, we're now all in our 30's..!) The classes and group atmosphere influenced me way beyond pursuing my passion interest in drama. To this day, every job interview, presentation and public speaking engagement I have has been better because of my time a...

  • Swindon Young Actors has been a part of my life for many years now. I started at the age of 5 and Mark and his team have not only provided me with an incredible training, but with skills and a friendship group that will last a life time. I will never stop recommending this group to people. Whether you want to be an actor, build up your confidence, or just enjoy the arts; SYA is the place to be. I would not be who/where I am today without it.

  • Swindon Young Actors have been around for many years now. And I can say I had the pleasure of being with them right at the start. After 10+ years the teachings of Mark and his team are fantastic. Prossional and personal, the training not only gave me confidence but I also made life long friends. SYA aren't just classes for acting but classes for life, you are not just a student you become part of the SYA family. 5 stars just arent enough for these guys.