Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
12 months
All levels
Congratulations on making your decision on joining our programme!
With this booking you are purchasing:
The Women's Voice Medicine Online Journey
3 x 1-1 Voice Medicine Coaching Sessions Online
"Our Voices are like seeds, they can sit dormant until the right conditions present themselves, and when this occurs they come bursting out full bloom!"
I truly trust that this programme will offer you a transformative journey that will allow you to blossom into the full potential of your authentic feminine voice!
I look forward to sounding with you soon!
With Big Love and the Warmest Wishes from
Saraswati Vanisha
Founder of Sing for Your Soul and Co-Founder of The Voice Tantra Academy | #Saraswati_SOUL |
Sing for your Soul is an initiative set up to hel...