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Shudokan Black Belt Academy
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Shudokan Black Belt Academy



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  • Excellent teaching academy. Welcoming to children and adults. Has shown to encourage self awareness, confidence, respect and self defence. Would recommend to parents looking to help their little ones grow and develop in a positive way, as it has ours.

  • Both my kids (now age 5 and 7) had started blackbelt academy a year ago and seeing the difference in them now is insane!! They both absolutely love it!! Everything about this dojo is amazing 😊 I honestly cannot find a single fault! Everyone is so friendly and family friendly! They all make you feel welcomed! I cannot wait to see how my kids grow over the next years of being here 🥰 we couldn't have picked a better academy!!

  • I was only in Nottingham for a few weeks and wanted to learn some self defence, the academy completely catered to my needs! For a great price I was offered three one to one sessions as well as unlimited access to classes throughout the month. Not only did I learn self defence, but have been opened up to aikido, and most importantly grown in confidence and resilience. Would 100% recommend to anyone looking for flexibility, great students to share the classes with (who were so welcome to me bei...

  • In two short years the Shudokan team have made a profound difference to me and the way I now choose to view and approach life. Physically and mentally (and as an over 50 student) I’m in the best shape of my life and making sound progress in learning new skills. I highly recommend taking up Aikido and to get the best training you can from the team of instructors here at the Shudokan Black Belt Academy.

  • After not taking much interest in sport at school my son started Aikido at age 8 and took to it like a duck to water. The instructors are great and my son still loves going 2 years on. The academy is not only great for children though. After watching my son training for a few weeks, I loved the traditional nature of the teaching which resonated with my previous experience in another traditional Japanese martial art and I decided to take to the mat myself. No doubt my youngest will join us o...