About Mr Andrews Online
In 2012, David Andrews, alongside colleague Chris Williams formed Mr Andrews Online with a vision to deliver better learning experiences for children using mobile technology. The journey began, as Year 6 teachers, sharing ideas and approaches to global audiences on the award wining blog ‘Mr Andrews Online‘. The blog influenced classroom practice both here in the UK and around the world and went on to win an award at the UK Blog Awards 2014 for its ‘Impact in Education’. In 2016 they won an award for a module run in partnership with Hull Children’s University. Since 2012 David and Chris have worked alongside hundreds of schools, teachers and delivered classroom experience days for children (4-11 year olds) up and down the country. They were lucky enough to be invited to present work in the US on two occasions. In 2014 they began working alongside the National Association of Headteachers to deliver courses. Interestingly, David and Chris had articles published in the Guardian and sold the publications ‘Rapid Progress for Boys’ Writing (Girls’ Too) and ‘Programming Made Easy’ to countries across the world whilst writing articles for various education magazines and publications. In 2017, David was contacted by Lee Wilson, the Executive Principal (Outwood Primaries) as their current ICT scheme of work wasn’t working for them, had become stale and didn’t allow the teachers to exploit cross-curricular opportunities. When asked by Lee “To write a scheme to wow the children and be aspirational” the Mr Andrews Online Creative Computing Curriculum was born. Since this time, David Andrews has been working with a leading Multi Academy Trust as Director of Curriculum. This has led to the development of a World Class Creative Curriculum as well as continuing to innovate in the world of Ed Tech and drive Mr Andrews Online forward. Chris Williams continues to consult with Mr Andrews Online alongside driving the world class product – Chatta, which works on the fundamental approach that oracy unlocks literacy. Find out more at https://chattalearning.com/ In 2021, Mr Andrews Online recruited Chris Marshall as Head of Development and Education Consultant. As a former primary school leader, teacher and experienced user and developer of MAO, he is currently responsible managing the MAO team and the continuous improvement of the curriculum.
Key Details
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Primary Location
- 59 Beverley Road
- Brough
- England
- HU15 2BB
All Locations
- 31 West End Road, Cottingham
- 59 Beverley Road, Brough