About Monifieth High School
Welcome to our website. Here you will find information about our school including the opportunities available for young people, how we support and promote learning and who to contact with any queries. Monifieth High School has a rich history of success in supporting young people to learn, develop and succeed through a focus on relationships, respect and aspiration. Our values of compassion, integrity, justice and wisdom are at the heart of everything we do. Recent experiences have taught us the importance of living out these values to support one another during challenging times. Our community is central to our life as a school. As we continue to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, now is a time for taking stock, building on previous success and developing our vision of where we want to go in the future. As a school community we are thinking together about our vision and about how we continue to improve our learning experiences, how we ensure even higher levels of achievement and attainment and how we promote healthiest living. We will utilise the potential of our exciting new learning campus to focus on sustainability and ensure our young people lead the way on climate issues. We will also continue to develop our offer and our partnerships to ensure every young person moves on into inspiring and successful destinations beyond school. ā We believe that everyone in this school can impact the world and the lives of others. It is our job to support our young people to develop their values, skills and abilities to be the change they want to see and to be successful in their lives.
Key Details
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