About Mitigate Cyber
Founded by a team of specialists in cyber security, consultancy and information security, we are a trusted cyber security company with a passion for quality service. MISSION Our mission is to provide dynamic cyber security services and training that extends beyond technology to encompass people, culture, processes and even the physical environment; to make businesses as resilient as possible to prevent or mitigate cyber-attacks. VISION Our vision is to be at the forefront of the race to make cyberspace a safer place for organisations through the provision of dynamic services that respond to the risks and threats posed in an ever evolving digital world.
Key Details
Please note, this profile is not managed by Mitigate Cyber. The information on this profile may have been submitted by an independent community member or obtained from a public source. As a result, it may be outdated or inaccurate. Logo provided by Clearbit to help identify the profile for review purposes. Cademy is an unbiased information source and does not have any affiliation with or directly endorse this profile.
Primary Location
- Infolab21, University
- Lancaster
- United Kingdom
- LA1 4WA
All Locations
- Infolab21, University, Lancaster
- 76 King Street, Manchester
- 5 Chancery Lane, London
- 21, Lancaster University