Booking options
Delivered Online or In-Person
Two days
All levels
This online version of the mental health first aid course will offer the same learning outcomes as the face to face training, and every person who completes the course will be certified as a Mental Health First Aider.
For full course information & outcomes, click here.
Mental Health First Aid and the action plan
The MHFAider® role and self-care
Helpful and unhelpful language
Useful models to support the role
What influences mental health?
What is anxiety?
Crisis first aid
Active listening and empathy
What are eating disorders?
What is self-harm?
What is substance misuse?
Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
What is depression?
What is suicide?
Crisis first aid continued
What is psychosis?
Recovery and lived experience
Boundaries in the MHFAider® role
Moving forward in the MHFAider® role
My MHFA action plan
Certificate provided by MHFA England on completion of this course.
Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider) courses are designed for everyone.
Through this course we take people on a journey to understand what mental health is. We discuss how we all have mental health, like physical health, and we teach people to look after their own and others’ wellbeing.
MHFAider courses:
For more detail on what you learn on the different MHFA England courses, contact us at Mindmaps Wellbeing.
MHFA England courses are for everyone*!
The courses are designed so that you don’t need existing knowledge of mental health, just like you don’t need a medical background to take a first aid course.
We would recommend MHFA England training for anyone – just as it’s a good idea for people to have basic knowledge of physical first aid. Here are just some of the people who benefit from MHFA England skills:
*To attend this course, learners are required to be 16+ years
We believe MHFA England training works as one part of a joined up mental wellbeing strategy. Each of MHFA England courses are based on research and developed by mental health experts alongside people with lived experience of mental ill health.
Research and evaluation has repeatedly demonstrated the effectiveness of MHFA training in England and worldwide. To learn more, contact us, and we can provide you with reports and case studies.
Contact us at or call the office, we'll assist you to change your course date. For cancellations email as soon as possible, cancellation fee may be applicable if delayed.
To complete a booking, you can email us with the following details for each learner;
Course | First name | Last name | email | phone | postal address | Date of course |
Call us on +44 1803 523 660
The MHFA England RRP starts is £325pp, our fee is £300pp.
Discounts available for closed groups or with our advance delegate plan, you can benefit from group discounts with the flexibility of using individual's choosing dates from open dates. Contact us at for more information.
The course timings are 9:30-17:00 both days, with regular breaks throughout.
Typically, lunch breaks are 13:00-13:30 each day.
Our advertised open courses are delivered through our online learning platform, MINDWELL Companion (powered by Enabley). Unless otherwise stated on the booking list.
We offer in-person training for closed groups of 8+ learners (minimum group fee is for up to 10 learners). In addition to the course fee, will be the instructor(s) expenses.
You need to complete all parts of the course to receive a certificate of attendance. All parts of the course are equally important to learn a safe grounding in Mental Health First Aider skills. Please let us know in advance if you are going to miss a small section due to a known trigger, or if you feel uncomfortable with a particular section of the content.
We strive to create courses and resources that everyone can access. When you book onto a course, please include any accessibility requirements in the ‘Message’ section of the booking form and tell us what you need to access the course online (venue if applicable) and materials. Or email us at
At the end of your course, you will get a certificate to say you are a: Mental Health First Aider provided by MHFA England on completion.
Looking to build your confidence as a Mental Health First Aider? Strengthen your skills with a RSPH Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid.
MHFAiders who have completed the Mental Health First Aid England course are eligible to book now. You can log in to the Online Learning Hub here to access the MHFAider community area and register for the MHFAider qualification eAssessment.
Certainly – just email us on Let us know: