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One of the most common reasons for families to give up on unschooling is because the parents become exhausted. Expectations are high, the pressure that we put on ourselves and feel from family members, community and society can cripple us. Couple that together with the reality of taking care of small human beings and all too often I see families that struggle to balance it all.
There is no avoiding that unschooling is a full time job and one that is full on. Living in alignment with unschooling principles not only serves to meet your needs but enables cohesion in your family. This webinar will bring in unschooling principles that you can apply to yourself to nourish and support you as you take on this role
A recording of this webinar is included and available for two weeks after the live event.
These webinars are FREE for Unschooling Village Hub Members along with a back catalogue of Unschooling Webinars, regular live coaching sessions, and discounts on coaching and mentoring services. Sign up for just £20 per month.
Unschooling support, community and membership.