About Legal Action Group
Legal Action Group (LAG) is a national charity committed to improving access to justice. LAG promotes equal access to justice as a fundamental democratic right. Justice demands both fairness of process and result. LAG is independent of the providers and funders of legal services, and seeks to represent the interests of the public, particularly the vulnerable and socially excluded, by improving legal services, the law and the administration of justice. Vision Our vision is a fair legal system that excludes no one, upholds equality and social justice, and meets the needs of the people it serves. What we do Legal Action Group supports and empowers those providing legal services and using the law to achieve justice for those who are disadvantaged, unable to speak for themselves or who struggle to be heard, by: •Publishing and disseminating accessible, high quality, authoritative and up to date legal information and knowledge. •Delivering education and training and creating opportunities for the exchange of ideas. •Being an authoritative voice speaking up for justice and improving law and practice.
Key Details
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Primary Location
- 2Nd Floor Gatehouse Chambers 1 Lady Hale Gate
- London
- United Kingdom
- WC1X 8BS
All Locations
- 1 Lady Hale Gate, LONDON
- 70 Red Lion Street, London
- 54 Doughty Street, London
- 2Nd Floor Gatehouse Chambers 1 Lady Hale Gate, London