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Languages United
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Languages United



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  • The best place to learn English in Bath! At languages United you’ll feel at home, with outstanding teachers and staff

  • I recently attended a short private course at Languages United School (Accent Reduction + One to One Lesson). I had 2 excellent professors, Godfrey and Johanna, who helped me a lot to improve my accent and my self-confidence. It was a great experience with 2 great professional teachers! The school is very friendly and intimate. Everybody is extremely kind and polite. Rosanna was so helpful! I felt in a very nice, pleasurable atmosphere. The school is in Walcot Street, the "art&craft" neighbo...

  • The best English language school in true England, member of Quality English, English UK and British Council. Last summer our company sent a group of high school students from Russia to this school, and the feedbacks were amazing. I myself visited Languages United this September and well know the managers, who are very innovative and make sure that all the students get maximum from their time in Bath. Highly recommend to everyone!

  • Improving my English language skills at Languages United was both pleasant and economical experience. Group classes were organised in small groups of five students so that there was enough time to practice pronunciation and reading skills almost as if I was attending individual course. Well-chosen reading material that we have worked on offered us good contextual learning opportunities for new words, phrases and grammar rules. They were tailored to our area of expertise too. School atmospher...

  • I've visited Languages United in 2014. It has been a very useful and pleasant experience. I had the chance to meet so many people and make new friends. The atmosphere at languages united was great, students from all over the world gave me the chance to learn more about other cultures. I attended classes with several highly qualified teachers with different teaching backgrounds. The staff is amazing, helpful and efficient..ready to help out in any way. The school managers really make a really ...