About Gaia Education
Educate participants of all ages and cultural backgrounds, Give you the tools to restore balance to our world, Respond to the interconnected challenges of our modern world, Share grass-roots practices and wisdom via our learning communities, Celebrate intentional communities and alternative lifestyles and share practices that are proven successful for the development and regeneration of ourselves and nature, Restore ecosystems, learning to live in harmony with nature, not against it Distribute wealth fairly, Encourage systemic thinking to help you integrate holistic solutions for optimal results, Improve the quality of life for future generations, Create communities of change-makers capable of actively transitioning their local communities. Our team created an international playlist. Take a listen whilst you look around.
Key Details
Please note, this profile is not managed by Gaia Education. The information on this profile may have been submitted by an independent community member or obtained from a public source. As a result, it may be outdated or inaccurate. Logo provided by Clearbit to help identify the profile for review purposes. Cademy is an unbiased information source and does not have any affiliation with or directly endorse this profile.
Primary Location
- The Park
- London
- United Kingdom
- IV36 3TZ
All Locations
- The Park, Forres