About Cued Speech Uk
We are the only charity based in the UK providing family support, training and information to help deaf people see what you’re saying with Cued Speech. Cued Speech provides the foundation for all other communication interventions for deaf babies, children and adults by making spoken language visual. It’s a manual system of 8 handshapes in 4 positions near the mouth which completely clarify the lip-patterns of your speech and it is quick and comparatively easy to learn. It turns your spoken language (English and many other languages) into a visual language. Research shows that with Cued Speech 96% of English can be accurately lip-read. You can help your deaf baby or child see the whole of the English language as clearly as hearing people can hear it.
Key Details
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Primary Location
- The Boatshed
- London
- United Kingdom
- TQ9 5AL
All Locations
- The Boatshed, Totnes
- 49 Bath Street, Abingdon