impact coaching
This is embodied, experiential learning that takes participants out of the
office and out of their comfort zone. Learning on the growing edge in this way
leads to profound changes in mindset, outlook and behaviour, that delivers
lasting improvements in sales performance, team dynamics, leadership skills and
employee wellbeing. Why use horses in coaching? Horses are so hypersensitive
they can instantly sense our energy, fears and emotional state, regardless of
what we’re saying (or what our job title is). The way they respond to us, gives
us a powerful new level of self-awareness and an honest reflection of how we’re
perceived. They challenge us to embrace authenticity and honest communication,
give us an opportunity to practice new behaviours and provide live feedback that
is unique in the coaching space. This is not just classroom learning, this is
half a ton of horse showing you who you are and how you show up in the world.