This is an essential programme for all Council Members, particularly those who are newly elected, who need to review their personal safety and lone working arrangements. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working and the Council's policy 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Council procedure What next?
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role involves external meetings, including seeing members of the public in their own home. Based around advice from agencies including the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and the police, this programme takes a sensible look at how to remain safe in the role. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Risk assessment Dynamic risk assessment Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working Visits and travelling 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
You never know when fire, explosions or gas leaks are around the corner, but while you can’t control what happens tomorrow, you can control how ready you are to react, help and limit any damage – and that’s where fire marshal training comes in.
This ESS course is suitable for operatives who during the daily activities have to use Ladders. It will give the delegate an understanding of the safe use and inspection as well as awareness of the regulations. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Heights training | Vp ESS ( or via email at: or phone on: 0800 000 346
This ESS course is suitable for operatives who during the daily activities have to wear a safety harness. It will give the delegate an understanding of the safe use of a harness, methods of inspection and awareness of the regulations. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Heights training | Vp ESS ( or via email at: or phone on: 0800 000 346
The three-day FAW course is our most thorough First Aid course. It is designed for you if you are a nominated First Aider in a hazardous environment, such as a factory or a construction site, as well as providing you with complete training for any other work situation.
This is a very popular, comprehensive, practical and experiential programme, covering: Assessing risks: Defines and demystifies risk and risk assessment. Risk assessments and a simple scoring system are introduced, and participants carry out assessments. Controlling risks: Cutting risks down, concentrating on the best techniques to control key risks and how to choose the right methods. Understanding your responsibilities: The legal framework; health & safety management systems. Identifying hazards: The main issues any organisation has to deal with: entrances and exits, work traffic, fire, chemicals, electricity, physical and verbal abuse, bullying, stress, noise, housekeeping and the working environment, slips, trips and falls, working at height, computers and manual handling. Investigating accidents and incidents: Why accidents should be investigated, why things go wrong and how to carry out an investigation when they do. Measuring performance: How checking performance can help to improve health & safety. How to develop basic performance indicators. Auditing and proactive and reactive measuring. Protecting the environment: Introduction to waste and pollution. How organisations and individual managers can get involved in cutting down their environmental impacts. The programme enables participants to: Assess and control risks and hazards Understand their own responsibilities for safety and health Investigate incidents Measure their own performance Reflect on good practice and plan how to ensure the safety of the staff for whom they are responsible
The aim of this course is to give delegates who have to use full working breathing apparatus during their working activities a greater understanding of correct operational procedures. Book via our website @ ESS | Training Courses | Vp ESS ( or via email at: or phone on: 0800 000 346
A high-impact programme designed to be fun and to get people fully involved. The first-class, jargon-free content is based on what people need to know in practice, not off-putting legal language. This introductory course covers: Introducing Working Safely: Accidents can happen to anyone. The realities of the human suffering behind the statistics. The importance of personal responsibility. Defining hazard and risk: Focusing on the six broad hazard groups, participants are asked to think about the hazards and risks they come across in their own work. 'Risk assessment' demystified. Identifying common hazards: All the main issues - aggression and violence, asbestos, bullying, chemicals and harmful substances, computer workstations, confined spaces, drugs and alcohol, electricity, fire, getting in and out, height, housekeeping, lighting, manual handling, noise, personal hygiene, plant and machinery, slips and trips, stress, temperature, vehicles and transport, and welfare facilities. Improving safety performance: Bridging the gap between management and workforce, encouraging participants to play their part. Also covered: contract work, inspections, safe systems and permits, protective equipment, signage, emergency procedures, reporting and health checks.