NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK) is guided by legislation but focussed on best practice. With an emphasis on practical application, successful learners will be able to: • Recognise, assess and control a range of common construction hazards • Develop safe systems of work • Take part in incident investigations • Advise on the roles, competencies and duties under construction legislation • Positively influence health and safety culture • Confidently challenge unsafe behaviours • Help manage contractors.
The Nebosh General Certificate gives individuals the skills and know-how to complete their health & safety responsibilities within their working environment. It can also be used as a first step in a career within Health & Safety.
Some 60% of injuries at work are caused by lifting heavy objects. This powerful, practical programme is designed to help stop any of your staff from becoming the next statistic. 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Overview of Health and Safety Legislation and HSE Injury Statistics Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1992 MHSWR 1999 specific duties to risk assess Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 Breakdown of injury statistics and costs of poor manual handling 3 The musculoskeletal system explained Prevention and ill-health Ergonomics RSI The spine in detail 4 Risk assessment General principles The TILE method Employees' duties Workplace scenarios
This practical course gives participants a brief overview of a range of legal aspects and also incorporates a topical perspective of health and safety matters in the workplace today. The programme will help elected staff safety representatives to grasp in more detail how to comply with the law in practice. 1 The legal framework Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations Representatives' functions H&S Consultation with Employees Regulation HSG 263 2 'The six pack' Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) Display Screen Equipment Regulation (DSE) Manual Handling Health, Safety and Welfare Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation Personal Protective Equipment Regulation 3 Accident reporting and procedures Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) Accident investigation guidance
Health and safety awareness training is mandatory for staff at all levels of an organisation. This is the ideal course to satisfy that requirement - a stimulating 'entry-level' programme explaining how health and safety should be managed in any working environment. The course outlines the basics of health and safety law and how organisations and individuals can become liable for health and safety offences. Roles and responsibilities for health and safety are discussed by reference to the key legislation and the expert trainer will explore with the delegates how these responsibilities are managed in practice in different types of organisation. The principles of risk assessment will be considered and their practical implementation discussed in relation to the management of the various hazards that are likely to be present in a typical workplace. This course will give staff: An understanding of health and safety law, liability and enforcement An explanation of the principles of health and safety management in the workplace and an understanding of who should be responsible for different aspects of health and safety A practical explanation of risk assessment and what constitutes a suitable and sufficient assessment A broad knowledge of the typical hazards in a workplace and how these should be managed 1 Overview of health and safety law Statute and civil law Liability and enforcement Statutory duties Contract law 2 Legislative framework The workplace - extent of responsibility / shared responsibility Relevant legislation 3 Management of Health and Safety Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Accident Reporting (RIDDOR) Consultation with Employees and Safety Committees 4 Risk management within your organisation Business risk management Health and safety risk management The principles of risk assessment Transferring the risk to contractors and third parties 5 Risk assessment exercise - 'Challenge Anneka' 6 Managing the hazards in the workplace Work equipment Lifting equipment Display screens Manual handling Fire Chemicals (COSHH) Personal protective equipment (PPE) 7 Practical exercise - Workplace inspection 8 Questions, discussion and review
The learning objectives that we believe you require to be covered within the training include: A detailed understanding of the CDM 2015 Regulations and how they should work in practice An understanding of the key roles (Designer, Principal designer, contractor, principal contractor and client) under CDM 2015 What constitutes design and when you may be acting as a designer The requirements for notification Pre construction information, the construction phase plan and the H&S file An opportunity for delegates to ask questions and gain clarification on specific project requirements 1 Introduction Why manage health and safety? The costs of accidents Construction industry statistics Why CDM 2015? 2 Overview of health and safety law and liabilities Criminal and civil law Liability Enforcement and prosecution Compliance - how far do we go? Statutory duties 3 Health and safety law in construction - the current framework Framework of relevant legislationHealth and Safety at Work etc Act 1974Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015Work at Height Regulations 2005 Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 CDM 2015 - the principles and current best practice Scope - what is construction? Application - when do the Regulations apply? The CDM management systemDutyholders (client, designer, principal designer, principal contractor, contractor)Documents (pre construction information, Notification, construction phase Plan, H&S File)Management process The 2015 HSE guidance / industry best practice Clarification of roles and responsibilities 5 Competence under CDM 2015 What is 'Competence'? The criteria to be used in construction Achieving continuous improvement 6 Part 4 Construction Health Safety and Welfare Overview of Part 4 Responsibilities Welfare arrangements 7 Risk assessment and the role of the designer Principles of risk assessment Loss prevention / hazard management What is a suitable risk assessment?Design v construction risk assessmentThe client is a designer?Whose risk is it? 8 Risk assessment exercise Understanding the principles of design risk assessment Identifying hazards under the control of clients and designers Quantifying the risk 9 Questions, discussion and review