This is a one to one course running over five weeks, providing two hours a week of tuition on a flexible basis. The course is aimed at those keen to discover more about the practical aspect of interior design. Whether you are about to embark on a project of your own, are keen to learn more about your individual style, or are just looking to gain more confidence, this course will give you the knowledge and tools to confidently create stylish interiors.
This course is for anyone wishing to understand their strengths and development areas and those who are seeking assistance to progress their careers and convey their abilities confidently.
Get your Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders qualification here with us at Knight Training! The Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) is the prerequisite for you to get your Personal Licence, aimed at anyone who wishes to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol. The course is a legal requirement, and it basically runs through the responsibilities that one must know in order to sell alcohol in a designated premises. Here at Knight Training we welcome our customers with open arms and provide the best service possible. Why waste more time? Call us now on 01524 388279 to get your SCPLH today!
Get your Award for Personal Licence Holders qualification here with us at Knight Training! The Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) is the prerequisite for you to get your Personal Licence, aimed at anyone who wishes to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol. The course is a legal requirement, and it basically runs through the responsibilities that one must know in order to sell alcohol in a designated premises. Here at Knight Training we welcome our customers with open arms and provide the best service possible. Why waste more time? Call us now at 01524 388279 to get your APLH today!
Simple, easy and effective meditation
The IWFM Level 3 qualifications in workplace and facilities management are for you if you are a first-line manager or supervisor in workplace and facilities management or if you are new to the industry. They are designed to develop an understanding and knowledge of facilities management matters. The Award gives you a succinct overview of the basic skills and knowledge needed at this level.