PRINCE2 (an acronym for PRojects INaControlled Environment series 2) is a de facto process-based method for effective project management. Used extensively by the UK Government, PRINCE2 is also widely recognised and used in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally. The PRINCE2 method is in the public domain, and offers non-proprietorial best practice guidance on project management.
Join Daniel Docherty and master stone-mason Nicholas G. Durnan for this week-long course where participants will learn the principles of Order in Space through a deep study and immersion in the five platonic solids. Daniel will lead the first two days where we will familiarise and befriend the forms as we draw, model and weave them in various ways and at various scales. The focus of the Thurs/Fri/Sat sessions will be on the carving of the forms in stone. It is likely that particpants will be able to carve a full set of all five 'Platonic' solids.
Egg tempera has been practiced by artists for over two thousand years. It is one of the most durable and beautiful paints in the history of art. Students will discover how master practitioners of this art form prepared their pigments from the earth, rocks and plants and mixed with egg yolk to make their tempera paint.
The mentorship program for all wedding photographer, from one of the worlds top 100. A course aimed around your interests and bespoke to you, from portfolio critique to business review with the option of joining me on a shoot.