better community development
Since 1981, BCD has served the disadvantaged of Little Rock’s 12th Street
Corridor. BCD, Inc. began as Black Community Developers. It was initially an
outreach program of Theressa Hoover Memorial United Methodist Church. In 2010,
BCD became Better Community Development. This name change served to reflect the
inclusive nature of BCD’s programs. In 1992, Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, Jr.
formed the Fighting Back Initiative. Funding from the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation and an alliance with the City of Little Rock made the program
possible. In later years, it would evolve into the Neighborhood Support Center.
State, federal, and private support along with a half-cent tax were the primary
sources of funding. As a result of a partnership with the City and HUD, the
Hoover Treatment Center was created. The Center provides outpatient and
residential services for people with substance abuse problems. The Center also
includes a homeless shelter, an HIV/AIDS ministry, job training, and permanent
and supportive housing. Not only do BCD’s programs impact the lives of
individuals but extend into the community’s infrastructure. Building affordable
housing for low-to-moderate-income families makes a great impact south of 630.
The Affordable Housing Program is certified by the Arkansas Development Finance
Authority to provide monthly homebuyer-education courses. Participants become
eligible for state grants to assist with home-buying costs. Instructors are
volunteers from four area banks who assess the curriculum. Today, BCD is
expanding its reach and vision to include even more important challenges facing
the city. Its latest expansion, the Empowerment Center, houses a state-licensed
treatment program and permanent housing for people with special needs. It
provides a revitalized facility for career, life skills, and technology
training. It also focuses on environmental issues right in the heart of the same
neighborhood where BCD was created.