Tired of the Burnt Out Blues - Double Click on Self Care with Agility In this strange new world, companies are under pressure to adapt quickly. Being agile has never been so important. But how about the individual? We are filled every day with double doses of Stress, with a capital S! We hear it on the news, in our minds, from our friends; then we feel it in our shoulders, back, and whole body. If that is not enough, we have lost our routines, sense of freedom and normalcy. This is all before Noon! HELP! Together, let's halt the chaos, embrace new perspectives and 'create from' by double clicking on Self Care. We will embrace learning experiences and embody simple practices that take us from barely surviving to thriving. Together, let's release what is not serving you, step into your true self and turn up a new way to double click on YOU. You must put on your oxygen mask first in order to help and serve others. Learn to focus on self-care using the Integral Theory Walk away with practical self-care techniques to use in an agile world.
Multi-Generational Differences in the Workplace This presentation addresses the impact of age gaps on the workforce (millennials and employees of other generations). The implications for project managers as the Gen I. (Gen. Z) enters the workforce a techno-savvy, highly-mobile, and entrepreneurial generation. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.
Are you a Credible Agile Leader? Credibility is not granted with a job title. Authority, maybe, but credibility must be earned. Leaders are losing credibility in Agile adoptions. They seek training and education for teams asking them to use Scrum or another Agile framework. The very same leaders then announce programs, policies or structures that directly contradict Agile and Scrum values and principles. This can hinder leadership's credibility and subsequently, their organization's Agile adoption. In this session, we explore some of these common leadership mistakes and how they can be avoided for greater success with Agile and Scrum. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.
Exploring the Underbelly of Exceptional Leadership: The Softer Skills Required to Effectively Lead Through Change Rapid change is impacting nearly every industry vertical, re-shaping, re-forming, and ultimately disrupting 'business as usual'. With this comes workforce strain, stress, and frustration. Today more than ever industry needs people who fully understand, embrace, and exemplify the softer skills of leadership. With the energy that could light up an entire city grid, Cassandra Worthy captivates audiences with her stories and unique perspective on what it really means to effectively lead THROUGH change. New perspective on the soft skills required to effectively lead through change (C.H.A.N.G.E Traits®) A heightened self-awareness of their current leadership effectiveness and the guidance to take the right next step to improve Invigoration to more effectively lead through ANY change challenges they face
Humble Leadership: Servant Leadership in Practice With traditional project management, we've become accustomed to a 'command and control' leadership style. According to the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. Let's explore how adopting a servant leadership stance with our Scrum Team can create a more collaborative and engaged team. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.
Introverts/Ambiverts/Extroverts As Excellent Leaders Our traditional view has been that virtually all leaders are extroverts. Based on 300+ interviews with C Suite Executives (100+ being CEOs) we have found that about half are introverts and half are extroverts, similar to the normal population of the U.S. and Canada. This was a considerable surprise. Not everyone is an extreme introvert or extrovert-the distribution is a bell curve, so most people are just a bit introverted or bit extroverted-and introverts make great executives, as well.In this presentation, Karl will talk about the many strengths (and a few weaknesses) of Introverts, Ambiverts, and Extroverts and how they might become even better leaders. He will discuss how to effectively work with each type, how to be a better manager for them, and how to work more effectively for them, if they are your boss. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies.
Know Your Leadership Compass Business leaders, managers, and directors may be brilliant leaders in one situation and may not have the same results in another. Management gurus agree: Anyone can lead, but not everyone can be a successful leader. The previously embraced command-and-control techniques are increasingly ineffective. Today's business environment demands leaders to be alert, agile, enterprising, and skilled in the art of diplomacy. As a leader, it's imperative to articulate who you are, what you stand for, and why you're excited to lead your team. Are these areas you feel you need to develop? If so, join us for this session on developing your 'Leadership Compass' - a roadmap to leading with passion and purpose. It is a highly interactive, reflective process that sets a path to transformational leadership. You will receive navigational direction to support others as you assert your leadership maturity and learn how your thinking and behavior impacts the way you lead others. Identify your leadership foundation Understand value-based leadership and align your actions accordingly Develop, communicate, and leading with a compelling vision Learn how to lead others and build collaboration, teamwork, and trust Regulate the organizational temperature so you and others are motivated to do their best
Lead with Joy! You won't get to joy by leading the way you always led. You, the leader, will need to make a change, serious change. In this talk, Rich will explore his own journey to joy, how he had to learn to lead in a completely different way, by doing so, witnessed results that exceeded his wildest expectations. In this talk, Rich will use this example and by analogy apply it to the human teams we are leading. The message is simple: when we finally understand the relevant principles (in flight, or in teams), we can fly to heights and distances that were previously unimaginable. Rich will take you on a journey of change and bring you to the place he is now ... that we stand at the vanguard of understanding what it takes to unleash the human potential of the people who work for us and around us. He will explain how the common, unchanging, disengagement statistics are a fundamental failure of leadership and what simple things we can do to get our teams off the ground and flying. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies.
Less Process, More Guidance: Tips for Effectively Scaling Great Teams The lone genius is dead. EY reports that 90% of organisations are solving problems so complex that they need teams. Dom Price, Head of R&D and Work Futurist from Atlassian joins us to share his personal experiences in helping Atlassian scale over the last 5 years, and be more nimble, adaptive and relevant than ever before. He'll share why they decided to take on team work, how they did it, and even let us in on some of the pitfalls along the way. This isn't a session on theory. Dom will share practical insights from Atlassian and from over 100 other organisations where they've shared their way of working. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.
Personal Agility A Powerful Leadership Framework Discover the keys to truly embrace Agile values and uncover the power of gaining clarity around what really matters. In this session, you'll learn how to create more alignment in your organization and apply Personal Agility as a leadership framework to guide your teams toward reaching a state of higher performance.Focusing on people over process through this simple framework will allow you to uncover better ways to identify obstacles, visualize what's important, and focus on what really matters as individuals and as an organization. This and other IIL Learning in Minutes presentations qualify for PDUs. Some titles, such as Agile-related topics may qualify for other continuing education credits such as SEUs, or CEUs. Each professional development activity yields one PDU for one hour spent engaged in the activity. Some limitations apply and can be found in the Ways to Earn PDUs section that discusses PDU activities and associated policies. Fractions of PDUs may also be reported. The smallest increment of a PDU that can be reported is 0.25. This means that if you spent 15 minutes participating in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.25 PDU. If you spend 30 minutes in a qualifying PDU activity, you may report 0.50 PDU.