Stay Prepared and Confident! Ensure you're always ready to handle emergencies by keeping your first aid skills up-to-date. Sign up today for our Annual First Aid Skills Update course and continue to be a reliable first responder in your workplace or community.
CRRUK equips professionals with the concepts, skills and tools to build conscious, intentional relationships, and to coach relationship systems of any size.
The NEBOSH National Diploma is designed to provide the underpinning knowledge for a professional career in health and safety. The course is suitable for both newly appointed safety practitioners and those with substantial experience who wish to obtain Chartered Membership of IOSH. It equips holders to advise on effective management of risk across the range of employment sectors.
Learn to use and read a Roadbook for Rallies or Classic Car Tours in this informative and interactive webinar.
Beginning Ballet in Santaquin
Learn lots of handy hints and tips on gaining time on special tests on targa road rallies and historic road rallies.
Experience Nature’s Beautiful Blues in this fascinating workshop with dye expert Debbie Tomkies. Learn to set up a simple indigo vat, try fun tie dye & shibori in a relaxing, fun environment!