Learn bash programming for Linux, Unix, & Mac. Learn how to write bash scripts like a pro & solve real-world problems!
Learn React by building a Trello-inspired application with a real-time database and authentication!
Build a Portfolio of 12 Machine Learning Projects with Python, SVM, Regression, Unsupervised Machine Learning & More!
This course takes you through the latest features of Java 8 step by step. You'll get to grips with using lambdas, interfaces, streams, pipelines, methods, and optional application programming interfaces (APIs) and be ready to apply your skills to write efficient Java programs.
Learn to build a complete Internet of Things solution with Arduino, a SQL Database, and a web server
Step-by-step tutorial to build a robust automation framework - TestNG, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Git, Pageobject, Cloud,SQL
Master LINQ to entities, LINQ to objects, LINQ to XML, functional programming relying on LINQ
Work through real-world projects and learn how to create modern, responsive websites using CSS Grid and Flexbox
Learn to build a custom object-oriented PHP MVC framework and application
Secure any Linux server from hackers and protect it against hacking. The practical Linux Administration security guide.