nordic laboratories
Each body is unique. Thus, the current healthcare model of standardized
treatment for everyone is not the proper way to address healthcare. Instead, we
promote the functional medicine view of healthcare as individualised and
preventative, not just generalized and reactionary. The aim of healthcare should
be to fortify and maintain health, prevent disease and help people live well.
For many patients this means working with his or her practitioner to develop a
treatment, diet, or routine specific to that patient. This patient/practitioner
relationship is of utmost importance. Our goal is to help practitioners treat
their patients as successfully as possible - whether to alleviate the pains of
chronic disease or to better her marathon best. Laboratory tests reveal who we
really are - physically unique individuals, the sum of numerous biochemical
systems. The study of these systems grants us perspective into how we live and
how we feel. To know your body is to know your self. With this knowledge we can
make informed decisions on how to alter our habits to better our lives. Genetic
testing is at the forefront of clinical science. As each budding field needs
leaders to innovate and educate, Nordic Laboratories and DNAlysis Biotechnology
have combined their efforts to revolutionise healthcare, one gene at a time.
Collaborating with a shared vision for the future, Nordic Laboratories and
DNAlysis Biotechnology created DNA Life, a global provider of genetic testing,
innovation and education. With these tests and their proven professional
experience, practitioners can personalise treatment, dietary interventions, and
training regimes.