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3115 Educators providing Courses

Lenticular Futures

lenticular futures


We're transforming psychotherapy and counselling in three ways: We are re-thinking all therapeutic theory to situate the individual in wider contexts and systems. We ask how everything is connected, by whom and with what consequences! Join us in decolonising, depathologising and ecologising practice, theory and research We can help therapists and training institutes develop future oriented technological competence for more accessible practice. Why is that important? There is a need to decolonise and depathologise the theory and practice of psychotherapy and counselling. We need to understand the problems of the individual as situated in a world which is socially, culturally and economically unbalanced. And we need to have ways of recognising and working with people's complex intersectional community memberships, experiences and talents in therapy. Why now? We are living in a panmorphic crisis (Simon 2021). It's a good time to read the writing on the wall and take action. We can do this by making decolonising and depathologising theory and practice, by responding with EcoSystemic ways of working, by critically engaging with accessible and future oriented technological possibilities. What work do we do? The key areas of our work are Training - Research - Consultancy. We run workshops and seminars to create and support decolonised, depathologised and ecosystemic ways of working. We host conferences on social issues affecting psychotherapy and counselling practice and training. We introduce psychotherapists and their training organisations to new technologies and intramediality to help make learning and assessment more accessible and culturally relevant. We produce research reports on future technology for therapy; neurodiverse therapy; therapeutic space; ecosystemic therapy; indigenous knowing and practice in therapy; new ways of training and assessing counselling and psychotherapy trainees; more... We consult to training organisations and professional membership bodies to help them improve the experience and success of trainees from diverse communities We run leadership and organisational development groups for leaders and managers who are developing inclusive therapeutic services What kind of organisation is Lenticular Futures? We are becoming a Community Interest Company. That means we are a Not For Profit and all proceeds from work support free or low cost projects and research within the organisation. How do we fund this work? We charge for workshops, conferences and seminars we host. We apply for funding. We welcome donations for specific projects or in general What does Lenticular mean? Lenticular Futures is a term borrowed from a paper by Professor Wanda Pillow (link). It's a prompt to hold in mind past, present and future when you meet people or see something. It's an invitation to notice the neurotypical, heteronormative, eurocentric lenses we have been taught to look through and check who-what we are including and who-what we are excluding. It comes from noticing what Wanda calls a "whiteout" in academic and professional literature of Global Majority contributors. This is an era for new curricula and making new theory and practice. Our professions can easily lead changes in the balance of power and develop more user friendly ways of working. What are our philosophical objectives? To theorise and interrogate fundamental taken for granteds in the cultural bias of theory and practice. To develop a lenticular ideology of psychotherapy and counselling which integrates and is led by decolonising, depathologising, ecosystemic, contextual influences of planet and co-inhabitants. To redress the exclusion of knowledge from oppressed population groups. To support therapeutic practices which are generated from within communities. To understand and address systemic influences of capitalism on wellbeing. To critically work with the socio-techno world in which we live. To get that systemic understanding of the world is an overarching metatheory for all our modalities. To decolonise means not having a disordered attachment to theories of disorder. Who are we? The co-founders are experienced psychotherapists and organisational consultants. We bring a vast amount of experience in systemic thinking about organisations, culture, therapy and counselling training, research and management. We also know how to create initiatives from within the margins. The co-founders are Dr Julia Jude, Dr Gail Simon, Rukiya Jemmott, Dr Leah Salter, Kiri Summers, Dr Liz Day, Dr Birgitte Pedersen, Anne Bennett, Naz Nizami, Dr Francisco Urbistondo Cano and Amanda Middleton. Forthcoming events Lenticular Futures: Crafting Practices beyond this Unravelled World FLIP@Brathay 2nd & 3rd May 2022 https://lf2022.eventbrite.co.uk Indigenous and Decolonising Knowledge and Practice Decolonising Therapeutic Practice read-watch-listen-make groups Future Tech to improve experiences for people doing therapy and in therapy training EcoSystemic Return Reading Seminars Professional Wellbeing events Walking and Outdoors Therapy Creating Decolonised Participatory Groups Systemic Practice and Autism Conference Writing Performance as Research Film, podcast, documentary making with people doing training and therapy Watch this page and our Eventbrite page - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - Therapy in a Panmorphic World This era of panmorphic crisis requires urgent, creative, ethics-led responses. Most of the professional theories we live by came into being without their ideological foundations being questioned. We cannot take a step further in this world without a commitment to developing awareness of parallel, criss-crossing, multidimensional, transtemporal, transcultural, transmaterial elements of living – and how they interact. No Meaning Without Context The key systemic value of understanding context is paramount to inquiry, to understanding what is happening and how to move as a relational, situated participant-player. But the contexts in play are often hidden, erased, elusive or remote, and it can be plain hard to see-feel-understand the knowledges and experiences specific to other places, people or disciplines. The Individual Is Not The Problem The psych professions confuse this further through the decontextualising practices of individualising and pathologising explanation of why some people see some things one way and not another. Furthermore, the social construction of truth is a debate that transcends academia and has been put to work by political agendas to foster an era of mistrust of truth. People are now aware that “truth” can be put to work for objectives other than the common good. This undermines social justice issues and what counts as information. Voices from within a community, from within lived experience are undermined by voices from without of those contexts often without a critique of power relations. A Fresh Look at Training Counsellors and "Psycho"therapists We cannot train relational practitioners in aboutness-withoutness ways of thinking. It separates people from place and history, and it creates colonisers and pathologisers whose practices become policy and influence the majority’s “common sense”. Opportunities for other kinds of learning are lost. The first language of the psycho professions of “talking therapy”, whatever its modality, is excluding of other ways of moving on safely and creatively together. The psychotherapies are playing catch-up in how people use technology to communicate in their everyday lives. A Paradigm Shift for Therapy and Counselling The Black Lives Matter movement offers a choice. It can be treated as a passing protest or a cultural shift. This organisation chooses to take the position that no-one should choose to be unchanged by Black Lives Matter. The question is how to be changed in ways that will contribute to a better world? This is more than a matter of equal rights. It is about safety now, it is about heritage, rich, stolen, re-interpreted, it is about past, present and future being held in mind, all the time. Professional practice needs to scrutinise its theoretical heritage with its hidden ideological assumptions to study and guide our ways forward into a new era, to meet change with culturally appropriate language, local knowledges, and ways of being and imagining.

Learning Improvement Service

learning improvement service

Bromley Common

Who and what is the Learning Improvement Service? The Learning Improvement Service was set up by Phil Hatton (read about Phil here), an ex-Ofsted HMI and National Adviser. Through his extensive experience in leading inspections, surveys, good practice, advisory work and improvement consultancy, Phil has a unique and wide understanding of best practice in the Further Education sector, particularly in colleges and in work-based learning. He is utilising his knowledge to help colleges and other providers of training improve the learning experience they give to their learners. The LIS only wants to work with those who have a real will to improve their provision, by establishing where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. We do not intend to just help to ‘patch you up’ to get you through an inspection, but to help you make sustainable improvements. We use only the best people, who know what they are doing, because they have done it themselves. Below is a brief summary of the main ways that we can support you (however, please contact us if you require something else not listed below): Consultancy support to improve key aspects of your provision - consultancy support to cover key aspects of quality improvement systems such as self-assessment reporting, position statements, improvement planning, observation of teaching, learning and assessment, sharing of good practice, course reviews and evaluation, the user voice and being prepared for short or full Ofsted Inspections. Phil can also help you to improve English and maths and ensure that your safeguarding is exemplary. Providing a ‘critical friend’ service to check and validate self-assessment, observations of teaching and other key quality processes such as course reviews – confirmation that you are moving in the right direction – we’ll work with you to confirm you are doing the right things in the right way, responding specifically to your needs, keeping you on target to improve your provision. This is one of the key areas of our work particularly from September through to February. Phil will also provide you with support by email or phone if needed prior to and during inspections. Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values Reviews – Phil has developed real expertise in what the best practice of the sector is and can work with you over two days to check out every aspect and leave you with a position statement of where you are and what you can do to be outstanding. Phil can also provide bespoke training and materials to raise awareness of staff, governors and learners Apprenticeships and subcontracting – Phil knows all there is to know about these two areas and has helped transform some of the biggest college and worst performing providers in terms of their success rates. The ideal scenario is a five day visit to check and sample how you do things, suggest improvements and provide you with the resources needed, finishing with a half-day staff development that is bespoke to your improvement needs. Please contact Phil as long in advance as possible to get time allocated for this Internal inspection or review of areas requiring improvement - a tried and tested way to improve an area is to first gain an informed view of exactly where that area is in terms of strengths and weaknesses, using an expert with extensive inspection experience. Unlike an Ofsted inspection, all feedback to staff and managers observed in an area is given constructively to help improve practice for the benefit of learners (while also giving you robust evidence for your OTLA system, SAR and QIP). An internal review could be for an area of learning or for a cross-college aspect such as safeguarding, equality and diversity, or course reviews. All consultants undertaking this work are personally known to Phil Hatton as to their ability to do so. The LIS will only conduct such work when they have the right person to do it (often Phil himself). You will receive a report that focusses on ways of improving the area reviewed, based on the best practice of the sector that is proven to work (not just telling you what has been seen, which is the usual practice of most consultancy companies). Helping individual institutions in the sector achieve good or outstanding teaching, learning and assessment through establishing robust observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) systems – depending on where your system is we can its validate current robustness by conducting observations (joint ones are best value as they train your staff) and scrutinising the gradings and paperwork historically awarded. If more work is required, we’ll equip you with the tools (training, paperwork and systems) to establish an OTLA system that delivers accurate and well recorded findings by your observers. Your observation system will help keep a focus on promoting improvement, identifying and promoting the sharing and adaptation of good practice by teachers (a reoccurring weakness in Ofsted inspections in the past year). We will provide you with the training, paperwork and systems to move your staff forward, encouraging their collaboration in the development and sharing of resources, so your staff will deliver learning in true teams. We will support you with either graded or ungraded systems. An approach of conducting joint ‘learning walkthroughs’ of 20 to 25 minutes duration is providing many institutions with an overview of their provision and enables the judgements of college observers to be tested out for their accuracy and breadth. Sharing exemplary practice and systems in self-assessment with you, leading to quality improvement planning that moves you forward – we’ll support you in developing your capacity to self-assess all of your work honestly and robustly so that your staff ‘own’ the resultant self-assessment reports and improvement plans, understanding their part in moving you forward. Few are really good at self-assessment, we can make sure that you are and that self-assessment moves you forward. Several colleges and providers have received very positive feedback about their SARs in 2016 following support and the use of LIS templates, particularly the use of a two page Executive Summary SAR that helps focus improvement actions. If you have a 50 page SAR it will not be an effective improvement tool. Helping you to produce position statements – if you think you are likely to be inspected it is important to be able to say where you are ‘now’ as self-assessment looks back on the past year - we’ll support you in writing effective position statements for key areas that tell you and others exactly where you are for that area. They are a great way to demonstrate to inspectors that you know your provision and have helped a number of LIS clients move from a grade 4 inadequate to a grade 2 good. Phil has also helped a number of colleges achieve grade 1s for their leadership and management. An exemplar position statement can be seen here but is not as good as what you will finish up with (samples can be shared)!! Conducting a confidential ‘health check’ of your organisation by one or more of the top and most experienced recent HMIs (and previously lead inspectors with the FEFC, TSC and ALI) – if it is sometime since your last inspection or there have been significant changes in management or what you offer, a ‘health check’ could be invaluable. We’ll examine your leadership, management, performance and quality improvement against and beyond the requirements of the September 2015 Common Inspection Framework in a way that can only be achieved by being carried out by the right people. Depending on institutional size and complexity, this totally confidential and focused ‘health check’ will ensure you know your provision inside out and have no surprises should you be inspected. It will help you to decide and prioritise how to move your provision on.




Musiversity aims to provide aspiring musicians from all over the world with the very best online video music lessons and courses. By bringing together music students with some of the world’s best music teachers we aim to provide musicians with a single platform for all their music learning needs. In order to use the Musiversity platform, whether for accessing courses, finding teachers, or selling your own courses and services as a teacher, you must agree to the terms of use as set out below. Contents: 1. What is Musiversity? 2. User Accounts 3. Accessing Courses 4. Payments & Refunds 5. Content & Behaviour 6. Copyright and Ownership 7. Becoming a Musiversity Teacher 8. All Access Subscription 9. Musiversity’s Rights 10. Legal Terms & Conditions 1. What is Musiversity? Musiversity is an online music teacher directory and video course platform where music teachers advertise their teaching services, and can upload and compile video courses, and then sell them through our marketplace. Users can browse the courses on our marketplace, or be sent directly to specific music courses on our site through direct links, and then purchase courses to learn from. Purchased courses can be accessed from within the Musiversity platform, so that users can view the video content on any device from any location. Users can also find music teachers, whether for local in-person lessons, or live online video lessons, and contact teachers in order to arrange these. 2. User Accounts Users can browse our website and marketplace without creating an account or logging into the platform, but for all other activities on Musiversity, including purchasing courses, accessing courses, and messaging teachers, users must first create a user account and be logged in to the platform. Creating a Musiversity account is free, and only requires a valid name and email address to be given, along with a password. Musiversity accounts are unique and individual, and must not be shared with other users. Account login details should be kept confidential and not shared with anyone. All accounts on Musiversity must be registered to a person over the age of 18. If acting on behalf of a child, then a parent or guardian must be the one who creates the account. In creating a Musiversity account, you are agreeing to the terms set out in this document. Accounts can be terminated at anytime from within your account profile. You will lose access to any courses you have purchased once your account is terminated. 3. Accessing Courses When a teacher creates and lists a course on the Musiversity platform, they are providing Musiversity with a licence to offer access to their course to our users. When a user accesses a course through our platform (whether it’s a paid or free course) Musiversity is granting that user a licence to access the course, and course materials. The user does not own the course, or course materials, in any way, and has no permission to sell the course materials, or access to them to any other person. Only the account holder may access the courses they have been granted a licence for. Most of the courses on Musiversity require payment to be granted access, but some are offered for free. In either case, once you have been granted access to a course, you will continue to have access to that course for the duration of your account with Musiversity, except in cases where, for legal reasons or otherwise, we are forced to remove a course from our platform for violating our terms. You may not reproduce, copy, re-sell, illegally download, or in any other way provide access to courses to anyone other than the account holder. 4. Payments & Refunds To be granted access to paid courses on Musiversity payments must be made through our online checkout. Musiversity uses Stripe to handle all payments. Payments are made in accordance with the prices set out on the course details page for each course, and must be paid in full before being granted access. We accept payments in the following currencies: USD, CAD, AUD, NZD, EUR, GBP. Once payment had been made you will have lifetime access to the course as long as your account remains active. If you’re not happy with your purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of purchase, provided you have NOT completed more than 50% of the course in question, by emailing Musiversity directly with your refund request. If a refund request is made within the 30 day refund period AND your student course progress record shows that you have completed less then half of the course, the payment will be refunded in full to the card it was made on. In cases where refunds are given, access to the refunded course will be revoked. If a request is made outside of the 30 day refund period, or your record shows that you've viewed/completed more than 50% of the course, then no refund will given. Payments for our All-Access Subscription are non-refundable (see section 8 below). 5. Content & Behaviour All video content uploaded to Musiversity is the responsibility of the uploader and must adhere to our terms as set out on our Teacher Terms document. Any content that is found to be in breach of those terms will be removed from the platform, and the account may be closed or blocked. All users are responsible for any content that they create on the Musiversity platform, including their profile information, any reviews they leave for courses, messages they send through the platform, and any comments they leave on courses or blog posts. Any user who is found to be posting offensive, illegal, or inappropriate material will have the content removed, and will risk their account being blocked or deleted. 6. Copyright & Ownership All videos, and other content, uploaded to Musiversity remain the intellectual property of the creator of the content, and all copyrights are retained by the creator of the content. Musiversity does not own any of the content uploaded by our teachers. However, by uploading content to our platform you are authorising Musiversity to share this content with anyone, distribute it and promote it on any of our marketing channels, as well as giving us the right to modify and edit content as we see fit, for marketing or promotional purposes. 7. Becoming a Musiversity teacher If you are a music teacher or an experienced musician with knowledge to share, we invite you to join the team of Musiversity teachers, and create, upload, compile, and sell your course, or courses through our platform. You can also just list your teaching services on our directory, without needing to create and/or sell online courses. In order to become a Musiversity teacher you must agree to the terms set out in our Teacher Terms document. 8. All-Access Subscription (pilot scheme) We are currently in the process of setting up and testing a pilot scheme of a new All-Access subscription to Musiversity. This subscription will offer full, unlimited access to all the courses and content on the Musiversity platform for a single monthly subscription fee, including all current and future courses. Subscription payments will be taken monthly, and access to the Musiversity content will be available for the duration of an active subscription. Subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime from within your Musiversity account, and cancelled subscriptions will remain active until the end of the most recent billing period, when they will then be terminated. Once a subscription has been terminated, you will no longer have access to courses on the platform (except any courses you had purchased prior to creating your subscription). As this is a subscription service, and payment is made for the access to our platform, subscription payments are non-refundable. There are no refunds, full or partial, for cancelled subscriptions (expect where required by applicable laws). 9. Musiversity’s Rights Musiversity owns the Musiversity platform and service, including all related web properties and domains, social media accounts, and other accounts associated with the platform. Musiversity owns all content on our website that is created and posted by us, including the general website content, the legal terms and conditions, blog posts and courses which are created by Musiversity, and any other content of which Musiversity is the creator. Musiversity owns the rights to it’s logo, name, and other trademarks. You, as a user with or without an account, may not use our logo without our prior written permission. You may not download, copy, duplicate, or in any other way share our content without prior written permission. 10. Musiversity Legal Terms The term ‘Musiversity, 'Musiversity.co', or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owners of the Musiversity Platform and website. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our platform. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use: The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. This website uses cookies to monitor browsing preferences. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions. All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).

Courses matching "Performance"

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Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Derby

By Mangates

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Derby

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Derby
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Master Business Networking in Just 1 Day - Join our Workshop in Derby

By Mangates

Business Networking 1 Day Training in Derby

Master Business Networking in Just 1 Day - Join our Workshop in Derby
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Paisley

By Mangates

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Paisley

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Paisley
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Swindon

By Mangates

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Swindon

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Swindon
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Crewe

By Mangates

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Crewe

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Crewe
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Bristol

By Mangates

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Bristol

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Bristol
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Inverness

By Mangates

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Inverness

Practical Sales Skills 1 Day Workshop in Inverness
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Two Week Acting Workshop


By Academy Of Creative Training

Our Two Week Intensive Acting Workshop runs each month and is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and activities involved in an Actor Training.

Two Week Acting Workshop
Delivered In-Person in Brighton

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Doncaster

By Mangates

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Doncaster

Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Doncaster
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795

Master Business Networking in Just 1 Day - Join our Workshop in Doncaster

By Mangates

Business Networking 1 Day Training in Doncaster

Master Business Networking in Just 1 Day - Join our Workshop in Doncaster
Delivered In-Person + more
£595 to £795