brain in hand limited
Manage life's bumps in the road, the unexpected and unfamiliar, with simple
digital tools and real human support just when you need it. Brain in Hand is
your link to the organised, calm, in-control you who knows exactly what to do
when things get difficult. It's with you every step of the way, helping you to
solve problems, stay on top of things, and manage anxiety so you can achieve
your goals. Brain in Hand is a digital self-management support system for people
who need help remembering things, making decisions, planning, or managing
anxiety. It's not condition-specific, but is often used by people who are
autistic or managing anxiety-related mental health challenges. Combining
practical human support and digital self-management technology, Brain in Hand
helps people live more independently. Our system is approved by government
departments and in use throughout health, social care and higher education
settings across the UK.