Artificial intelligence & Javascript 2D Game Development - MinMax algorithm - "Computer vs You" Tic Tac Toe AI game
Are you looking to leverage the capabilities of React to build interactive elements for a website? Then this is the course for you. This course is carefully structured to make the process of learning the latest version of React both practical and easy. Build practical projects such as Feedback app, GitHub Finder, House Marketplace, and Full-Stack MERN support ticket system while learning. An intermediate-level knowledge of JavaScript is required.
Take your JavaScript and Vue skills to the next level by learning state management, routing, authentication and Firebase
Welcome to this course on SwiftUI animations iOS 16. This is a fun-to-code course with multiple hands-on projects geared toward various skill levels. Each project is marked 'Easy', 'Intermediate', or 'Advanced', allowing you to start coding projects according to your skill level and gradually move on to the higher levels when ready.
In this video course, you'll explore the field of web and digital analytics. You'll learn about the various roles in digital analytics and discover the skills and education you need to get into these roles.
The goal of this course is to teach you the fundamentals of Alteryx and teach you a more efficient way to clean and prepare your data. You'll learn to work with data in new ways other than Tableau and PowerBI, using Alteryx for all your data analysis needs.
This course on MongoDB is for absolute beginners and provides an interactive learning experience that reflects the most in-demand skills. The content will help you understand the concepts and methodology with regards to MongoDB in an effortless way. The strong basic understanding you gain initially will help you move toward learning more advanced concepts.
In this course, you will learn how to perform data cleaning and data preparation with KNIME and without coding. You should be familiar with KNIME as no basics are covered in this course. Basic knowledge of machine learning is certainly helpful for the later lectures in this course.
In this practical, hands-on course, you'll learn how to use R for effective data analysis and visualization and how to make use of that data in a practical manner. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language.
This course follows a hands-on, project-based approach to learning the Arduino platform catered to all levels of experience, including some projects such as building an Arduino car, an Arduino phone, a Universal Arduino Remote, an Arduino Online Weather Station, an Arduino game projects using light, sound, and joysticks, and more with no prior knowledge.