This course will help you master the intermediate level of modern-day web application vulnerability attacks and apply the knowledge in your own pentesting projects. You will learn step-by-step how all these attacks work, and you will also learn how to check if your web applications are vulnerable to these attacks.
An intermediate-level training that will help you learn how hackers find SQL injections with Sqlmap, web application security testing with Google Hacking, fuzzing with Burp Suite, and exploiting race conditions with OWASP ZAP. You will learn how to use these tools in your penetration testing projects and use them to protect your web applications.
This course will teach you how Selenium WebDriver is used to test web applications. You will start by understanding the concepts of Java and gradually move toward understanding Selenium, TestNG framework, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Gherkin, and a lot more interesting topics that will make you a pro in automation testing.
Are you looking to step into the REST API automation industry with the latest technologies in the market? Are you keen to learn REST API automation using REST Assured with Java and other latest framework technologies? Interested in learning how REST APIs are automated in projects? Then this course is for you.
This course will help you get started with automation testing of web applications. You will cover the basic and advanced topics of Selenium and Python, along with unit tests, pytest, cross-browser testing, logging infrastructure, automation framework design, Jenkins, and a lot more.
Know Selenium WebDriver concepts, but need to know how to build a framework by putting together all the knowledge? Are you a quality assurance automation professional willing to intensify your current test automation skill sets? Are you looking to step into the automation industry with the latest technologies in the market? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you.
A perfect follow-on course for those who have already completed an introductory darkroom printing course, or who have a reasonable level of B&W darkroom printing experience. Please bring B&W negatives (35mm or medium format) that relate to each other in some way (subject matter, tonal range, environment etc.) as we will be making a number of prints that can be read as a series. Please note: This course only covers the printing of images and participants should therefore bring previously processed negatives and if you have one, a printed contact sheet along to the session. All other materials (including a range of papers) will be provided. Class sizes are currently limited to 4 participants to enable social distancing throughout the course. Morning Presentation and analysis of what makes a successful series of photographs, and how the final print can be crafted to accentuate the photographer’s artistic intent Reading the negative and pre-visualising the print Re-cap of darkroom skills – including overview of single filter printing, test strips and making a work print Learning how to split-filter print Afternoon Making a printing plan Using fibre based paper Plenty of practical darkroom time to work on your images and gain confidence in the new skills and processes Finishing your prints Courses are subject to minimum enrolment. Please register early, within five days of the start date, to reduce the likelihood of course cancellation. Please read our cancellation policy before booking. Students, anyone over the age of 65, and those in receipt of any form of benefits can claim the concessionary price, offering a 10% discount on the full course price. Valid proof of eligibility must be produced on the first day of the course. Please use the code CONCESSION when prompted at checkout. Stills uses ILFORD PHOTO chemicals on this course that can potentially pose a risk to pregnant and breast feeding women and asthmatics. We take every care to ensure good working practices and adequate ventilation in our darkrooms. If you feel you may be adversely affected, please visit the Health and Safety section of Ilford’s website for further information. General Guidance Notes for Pregnant and Breast Feeding Women and Asthmatics: From a risk assessment standpoint, provided all necessary control measures (such as good working practices, adequate ventilation, and the use of appropriate PPE) are in place then pregnant and breastfeeding women should be able to continue to work safely with photochemical products.Inhalation is the main route by which fumes and gases enter the body, making good ventilation a high priority. Exposure to irritant chemicals that would not affect most people may provoke an asthma attack in a person who already has asthma. For example, low levels of the gas sulphur dioxide can be produced by some ILFORD PHOTO processes. Most individuals would be unaffected but asthmatics may suffer adverse affects. ILFORD PHOTO products include no known human carcinogens, and no substances to which phrase R46 (May cause heritable genetic damage) or R64 (May cause harm to breastfed babies) applies. Most ILFORD PHOTO developers use hydroquinone, and their classification therefore includes R40 (Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect) and R68 (Possible risk of irreversible effects). Some ILFORD PHOTO chemicals use boric acid or borates. These substances are classified as toxic for reproduction. As a result, the classification of some of the powder developers includes R60 (May impair fertility) and R61 (May cause harm to the unborn child).
Key subjects: Radiography and radiation protection: an update What’s new in infection control and prevention in dentistry? Mouth and orofacial cancer – where are we in 2023? Legal and ethical issues: top 10 risk management tips Safeguarding and the dental team The do’s and don’ts of medical emergencies in dental practice Speakers: Lee Feinberg, Jo Russell, Professor Michael A. O. Lewis, Raj Rattan, Patricia Langley, Katie Baker & Tracy Colmer
Key subjects: Radiography and radiation protection: an update What’s new in infection control and prevention in dentistry? Mouth and orofacial cancer – where are we in 2023? Legal and ethical issues: top 10 risk management tips Safeguarding and the dental team The do’s and don’ts of medical emergencies in dental practice Speakers: Lee Feinberg, Jo Russell, Professor Michael A. O. Lewis, Raj Rattan, Patricia Langley, Katie Baker & Tracy Colmer
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