st xavier's icse school
St. Xavier's English Medium School is a Catholic institution run by the Jesuits,
viz. the Society of Jesus, that runs several institutions in the metropolis of
Mumbai, in India and in the world. In fact, the same organization looks after St
Michael's Church and runs St Xavier's Marathi Medium School, St Philomena's
Primary School and the St John de Britto Teacher Training College in Manickpur,
Vasai West. St. Xavier's English Medium School in Manickpur and its Pre-Primary
Department, which began in 2006, is managed by the Bombay St. John de Britto
Society, a Public Trust registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and
the Public Trust Act 1950. The school is a co-educational minority institution
and caters to all classes, communities and creeds. However, being a minority
institution, preference for admission is given to Catholics.