coppicewood college
Our Aim Coppicewood College is a charity that promotes sustainable woodland
management. We run a range of courses including coppicing, hedge-laying and
craft, in the SSSI woodland in Pengelli, Pembrokeshire owned by the South and
West Wales Wildlife Trust, with whom we have become partners. Our working
principle is to use traditional tools and methods together with a number of new
techniques we have developed ourselves ensuring that we continue to manage in
the most sustainable way possible. For example, the use of fire is strictly
limited to charcoal making and keeping the workshop warm. We particularly want
to show students how to restore neglected woodland back to use as productive
coppice. We endeavour to keep our courses as affordable as possible and, when we
are able, we offer bursaries to deserving cases. As we are a charity we
encourage donations to help us support our students and Instructors.