Build confidence & capability and engage in meaningful dialogue about race.
Establish why the relationship is not progressing Talk through issues Pinpoint why the relationship is not progressing Ascertain areas needing improvement Talk through emotional challenges Relationship advice Couples therapy This package for long-term relationships that have reached a standstill Assessment with each partner 3 x 1-hour couple sessions = 2 individual sessions
Relationship coaching for your relationship skills can be done individually or as a couple Emotional intelligence training Learn how to be a strong couple Love Language training Learn how to improve rapport and empathy Emotional validation and emotional civility training Consideration and patience training Conflict Resolution and self management Free check in calls in between sessions Choose one of our office locations to have your sessions 1 hour per week 3 sessions
Reiki level I Course, 1 day, in person, London SE24, with The Mind Body and Soul Coach Kathy Yvanovich
Manifest Good Fortune and Happiness Through focused intention, emotion, and visualization, and with the aid of ceremonial cacao, we will connect more deeply to the energy of the heart with a gentle and immersive meditation to manifest and bring your goals, dreams, and desires into physical form. #manifestation #newmoonceremony #ceremonycacao #sacredcacao #surbitonmums #surbiton #surreylife #surbiton #kingstonuponthames #manifesting #newlife #fullmoonmanifestation #crystalgrid
Couples therapy Discuss the future Discuss needs Marriage and communication discussion Marriage prep consultation 4 sessions 1 hour x 4
Talk issue through Couples therapy Address trust issues Social habits training Relationship boundary setting Address arguments and conflict issues Social media issues and tension issues addressed 3 x 1 hour
A four-hour workshop for Neurodiverse individuals and those who recognise some traits in themselves.
Give your team the tools they need to thrive! Sign up for our 90-minute interactive workshops this September and October. From imposter syndrome to motivation, we’ve got you covered. Contact us at to book.