Is learning to paint on your bucket list? This FREE beginner's class to experiment with watercolour paints, and have fun making a floral abstract greeting card. Learn to paint and draw a lovely floral greeting card in a more abstract, non-representational style!
Watercolour techniques. Learn how to put a basic wash down, including gradiations. Colour pallettes explained. Techniques of wet into wet painting How to create a convincing sky. How to master trees. An all round guide to the properties of this beautiful medium.
So as you can imagine my trip to this beautiful fishing village wasn't basked in sunshine. It was raining. I still want to capture the atmosphere, it will just be a bit more of a challenge. I will tell you my thought process as I work my way through this muddily complicated busy scene.
Loose lively flowers and some textures. Easy to follow.
I'm often looking for the slightly unusual in my compositions and this works well, The donkeys are having a rest in Weymouth and the sign shows humour.
New Orleans, so inspirational, with the mix of a street busker and a Harley. Just blobs of light and dark shapes.
The light is awsome in Morocco, Using the lights and the darks to really make your painting come alive.
You find these Iconic street café scenes all over the world, this is in Rome Italy. Figures cars & a few buildings.
Light and dark shapes bring the Venetian waters alive. That sparkle of light hitting the canal.
This is such an iconic Brazilan Street, Pelourinho Salvador. It takes a while to paint but is really worth the effort.