Bournemouth School of Music - Music Lessons & Music Room Hire. One to one lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Violin, Cello, Brass, Woodwind, Singing, Song Writing, Theory.
Global motorcycle training CBT DAS Colchester - Home Global motorcycle training, the home of cbt,das,in colchester ,going that extra mile to help our customers
Broad teaching experience Two headships Six years as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors Led inspections of wide range of schools, alternative providers, initial teacher training and local area SEND arrangements Extensive training and consultancy experience Former ‘Head Reviewer’ for Challenge Partners Served on several governing bodies, a trustee board and a local children’s services partnership board
STEM Explorers® empowers your team to create learning opportunities that build STEM into every day. Nurturing skills that enable your children to become creative, confident and curious learners.Ruth Tsui, creator of STEM Explorers has been working in UK Schools and Nurseries since 2009. Starting her journey in education working with early years children, she soon became a qualified teacher working across the primary age phase. On relocating from London to leafy Hampshire in 2017, Ruth left classroom teaching behind to pursue her passion for STEM learning with early years children. Running weekly clubs for children in the local community and supporting early years settings to introduce STEM into their classrooms.
Our Principal, Dr Mei XING (currently the President of ATCM- Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine UK), founded the academy with her 35 years of clinical experience and 20 years of TCM teaching in universities across Europe. Mei has a mission to share the highest standard of teaching and clinical practice available in the UK. Because of this, she only chooses lecturers who are masters of TCM themselves. They too have years of clinical experience working in hospitals and teaching in universities in both China and the UK.
Welcome We are a mixed, selective secondary school, with about 1,200 students and we are also a Teaching School. Dane Court is a lovely place to learn and work. The spacious site is near the centre of Broadstairs, a picturesque town on the East Kent coast. The recently completed £20 million rebuilding programme means the school has state of the art facilities which are truly suited to learning in the 21st Century. We seek to develop the academic potential of every student, through excellent teaching and rigorous support. We aim for every student to leave the school after seven years with the best possible qualifications, in order to enter a top university, prior to a fulfilling career. We also aim to ensure that every student develops the integrity and the confidence to be effective and happy adults.
Welcome to Mini Swim Stars! My name is Clare and I am the owner of this independent swim school. My passion for teaching children to swim started 5 years ago when I started assisting during children's swimming lessons. It didn't take long before I decided to do my teacher training and become a qualified swimming teacher. I worked for a Swim School for a few years and then took some time out when I had my second child, during my break I realised how much I missed swimming and this is when I decided I wanted to start my own swim school specialising in babies....this is the moment Mini Swim Stars Was Born. Since then I have had the pleasure of meeting Emma who had the same passion for teaching swimming and wanted to learn more about becoming a teacher. We have had great fun teaching classes together and I am pleased to say she has since become a qualified teacher and valued member of the Mini Swim Stars family. I am a qualified swimming teacher with the STA and I have gone on to do additional training to specialise in Baby - Preschool swimming lessons. We are passionate about introducing this life saving skill from a young age in a fun and engaging environment for everyone to enjoy.
At Swift Childcare we know that becoming a world-class childcare practitioner doesn't just happen overnight, like everything, you need to learn your craft and develop practical skills to become an effective Childcare professional. That's why our apprenticeship programmes are developed to provide people with the opportunity to learn everything they need to know to build a successful career in childcare and education, and to make a difference to future generations. Whether you already possess sector awareness and experience already, or if you are at the very beginning of your career, Swift can provide you with the tools, support and teaching to enable you to make a positive impact.
Le Breton Traditional is the business of Matthew Le Breton. As a teacher, craftsman and artist he brings over 20 years experience to teaching his glass classes. The classes take place at the Devon Applied Arts Workshop. A collaborative teaching workshop set up together with RAMP Ceramics to deliver quality craft teaching in the rolling fields of Mid Devon. The workshop is spacious with toilets, kitchen area, disabled access and plenty of parking.
The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South & East of England with 45 Primary and Secondary Academies in the TKAT Family. Our ultimate aim is to ensure we drive educational standards through the provision of outstanding teaching, leadership and learning for all.