This 1 hour PECS overview provides basic information about the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). We begin with a brief overview of the Pyramid Approach to Education, a model commonly used to create effective educational environments. Next, each of the six phases of PECS will be described and/or demonstrated with accompanying videos illustrating PECS in action. We will discuss transitioning from PECS to other modalities, before concluding with a review and analysis of common myths associated with PECS. Please note that this is an overview only and is not intended as, nor does it replace the PECS Level 1 training workshop. Identify the purpose of PECS Identify the elements in the Pyramid Approach to Education Discuss the six phases in the PECS protocol List the criteria for transitioning from PECS to speech and/or SGD Discuss myths and facts about PECS WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 1 hour Registration Time: N/A Tuition Includes: N/A
This 1 hour talk provides information about the content of the NEW PECS L2 workshop. The new PECS Level 2 workshop offers delegates the opportunity to analyse the application of PECS in new real-life examples, while answering questions about their own implementation. Come along to the overview to hear in more detail what the PECS L2 can offer you, how it can improve your implementation skills and confidence. Please note that this is an overview only and is not intended as, nor does it replace the PECS Level 2 training workshop. WORKSHOP DETAILS Agenda: 1 hour Registration Time: N/A Tuition Includes: N/A
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To help you make the most of your learning experience, we would like to offer you a complimentary 1-to-1 session with one of our experienced English language experts. During this personalised session, you will have the opportunity to: Discuss the course details. Identify specific areas you would like to focus on, whether it's grammar, speaking, listening, writing, or vocabulary. Receive tailored advice on which course or learning path aligns best with your objectives. In the meantime, we recommend taking our placement test on our website. This will help our expert understand your current proficiency level and tailor the course to your specific needs. The test is a crucial step to ensure we provide you with the most effective support If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a great day, Best regards, Customer Services Virtual Educators Ltd.