NVQ Level 2 Plant Maintenance - on site assessment - we come to you
This IMI qualification is designed for technicians who maintain, diagnose and repair high and low voltage operating systems on electric/hybrid vehicles. It contains the skills and knowledge required to work safely around a vehicles high and low voltage train system, whilst carrying out repairs or maintenance. This course will also cover working safely around a vehicle that may have has damage to its high energy/electrical system.
Electric Vehicle Technicians have had access to certified training at different levels of competency for a number of years, but this has not been the case for Vehicle Dismantling Technicians until now. Vehicle repairers have been taught how to diagnose faults on Electric or Hybrid vehicles, make them safe, repair or replace the high voltage component and then put the vehicle back together and make them work. Vehicle dismantlers need to know how to assess Electric and Hybrid vehicles, store them properly, make them safe and dismantle them, store the parts and ship them out for re-use, repurposing or recycling, so the accredited and certified training for vehicle repair technicians met some of the criteria for dismantling but not all. Electric Vehicle Dismantling Training raises the professional standards of the vehicle dismantling and recycling industry, provides consistent training standards across the world, helps develop knowledge and understanding, enables team members to grow their own abilities, and achieve accredited training.
This IMI Level 4 Award is designed for those personnel who, in the course of their daily work, are required to work ‘live’ on the electric/hybrid vehicle power train. On completing this qualification those personnel will have gained and extensive knowledge and skills level of high voltage technologies and their dangers. The content of this qualification has been designed in close liaison with industry specialists, electric vehicle manufacturers, training providers, the HSE and the IMI.
This IMI qualification is designed for technicians who maintain, diagnose and repair high and low voltage operating systems on electric/hybrid vehicles. It contains the skills and knowledge required to work safely around a vehicles high and low voltage electrical system and electric drive train system, whilst carrying out repairs or maintenance. It also contains the knowledge and skills required to work safely around the vehicle that may have had damage to its high energy/electrical system. On completing this qualification, technicians will have gained knowledge of both low and high voltage technologies and an understanding of their dangers. The content of this qualification has been designed to give learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely around Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying our diagnostic, testing and repair activities.
CSIE staff and our associate trainers are knowledgeable and experienced in delivering talks and facilitating training for teachers, learning supporters, local authority officers, other professionals involved in young people’s education, parents and students. Our training is routinely praised for the level of interest and engagement it evokes, its positive and constructive impact, the clarity with which even complex issues are presented and the supportive manner in which participants are encouraged to examine their own beliefs and assumptions. CSIE training is competitively priced and offers excellent value for money. How CSIE can help your setting We can support the work of: schools, by providing speakers for assemblies, staff meetings and Continuing Professional Development days, as well as working with staff towards inclusive school development; universities, by delivering talks for undergraduate or postgraduate students, contributing to conferences (keynote address, panel discussion or other presentations), as well as working with staff towards the development of a more inclusive institution; local authorities, by facilitating Continuing Professional Development events, as well as working with staff towards the development of more inclusive education in the locality; central government in the UK and abroad, by working with relevant officers at national level towards the development of more inclusive education. CSIE is a registered charity heavily reliant on income generated from selling our resources and services. Our current rates for the above activities are: Half day rate £500 Whole day rate £800 All rates are subject to VAT; travel and subsistence expenses may also be charged. Special rates may be offered to smaller or voluntary sector organisations; please contact the CSIE office. Whether you want someone to talk to children and young people, to conference delegates or government officials, please email us at admin@csie.org.uk or click on the "Request Now" button to make an enquiry. Someone from CSIE will contact you within five working days to discuss how we can best respond to your request. Thank you for your interest in inclusive education and in CSIE.
We will come to your school at a time that suits you and run a 2-hour workshop for all staff. We will present in clear and simple terms the school’s duties under the Equality Act, help you guard against discrimination, and leave you with useful resources. How will this workshop help your school? This is a practical, "hands on" workshop designed to be engaging and constructive. Over and above helping your school fulfil its legal duties, it will help ensure that nobody is left behind or discriminated against. The workshop will show how all protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 can be reflected positively in everyday school life. It will consider real-life examples and make this more meaningful and relevant by inviting participants to bring their own examples of equality challenges in school. We will show you how to get the best out of CSIE’s toolkit ‘Equality: Making It Happen’ – a succinct and user-friendly set of reference cards to help schools promote equality – and leave you with at least two complimentary copies. Above all, the workshop will help develop a shared understanding and build a consistent response to diversity and equality. We understand that all schools are at different stages of this journey, so this workshop will assist you in determining next steps and areas of specific focus for your setting. What will the workshop cover? The workshop will: provide an overview of the Equality Act 2010, including the Public Sector Equality Duty and what it means for all schools bring awareness to unconscious bias and how it can influence our interactions present strategies for removing barriers to learning and participation address intersectionality and how it affects people’s experiences help develop confidence and language for discussing sensitive equality issues add flesh to the bones of all the above, by considering real-life examples Who is it for? The workshop has been designed for all primary and secondary school staff and governors; delivery is adjusted to the context of each school. We encourage all teaching and non-teaching staff to attend, so that your school can develop a coherent and consistent response to diversity and equality. Feedback from previous CSIE equality workshops: Very knowledgeable presenter. I feel more empowered. Clear and concise. Very thought provoking. Clear, compassionate presentation.
This IMI qualification is designed for technicians who maintain and repair electric/hybrid vehicles. It contains the skills and knowledge required to work safely around the electric/hybrid vehicles high and low voltage electrical system and electric drive train systems, whilst carrying out repairs and maintenance. On completing this qualification, technicians will have gained knowledge of both low and high voltage technologies and an understanding of their dangers. The content of this qualification has been designed to give learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely around Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out routine maintenance and repair activities (not high voltage components or systems)
This IMI qualification is designed for those personnel who in the course of their daily work may encounter damaged electric/hybrid vehicles. It contains the knowledge required to work safely around the electric/hybrid vehicles high and low voltage electrical system and electric drive train systems. On completing this qualification those personnel will have gained knowledge of both low and high voltage technologies and an understanding of their dangers. The content of this qualification has been designed to give learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely around Electric/Hybrid vehicles during emergency and recovery situations.
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Drilling Operations - Directional Drilling - Drill Fluid Operator