Basic Python syntax and principles of Object Orientated Programming. Most attendees are in-work IT Professional. Private individuals are also very welcome. Evening courses also running. Our Style: Hands-on, Practical Location: Online, Instructor-led Download: Duration: 6 weeks, 1 evening per week, 6pm - 8pm Times: arrange a time for your time zone
1 Month Subscription Up to 15 mock tests Detailed feedback and scoring on all skills Progress report Model Answer Library on Writing Two free one-to-one sessions with an IELTS Expert 3 Months Subscription Up to 45 mock tests Detailed feedback and scoring on all skills Progress report Model Answer Library on Writing Four free one-to-one sessions with an IELTS Expert 6 Months Subscription Up to 100 mock tests Detailed feedback and scoring on all skills Progress report Model Answer Library on Writing Six free one-to-one sessions with an IELTS Expert
Low cost English tuition
Egyptian female Quran Teacher online can be hired for the lessons of the Holy Quran for yourself and for your kids. An Arab teacher from Egypt will have more knowledge of Tajweed and practice of recitation of the Holy Quran.
Are you a teacher that wants to improve your classroom environment? Do you have questions about supporting children with their behaviour, communication and relationships? Book a 30 minute / 1 hour 1:1 coaching call. My coaching model will provide you with practical solutions to help you create a calm classroom environment. Discounts offered to subscribers.
This free introductory training webinar is designed to raise awareness of children of parents with a mental illness.
Clinical coach standardisation events
The main subject areas of the course are: Asbestos and other Fibrous Materials. Health Hazards and Exposure Limits. Asbestos in Buildings and Conducting Surveys. Asbestos Remediation and Assessment Prior to Reoccupation. Air Sampling and Fibre Counting. Analysis for Bulk Samples.