This package is for reading a significant amount of pages Examine conversation between you and person you are dating Relationship Conversations Texts, Whatsapp messages Email messages Documents Analyse meanings, undertones and communication skills Help with what to say How to improve communication skills Analysis of behavioural patterns Learn how to improve emotional dialogue Bespoke prices dependant on pages amount
Our 6 hour Emergency First Aid at Work course gives the participant the knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with with first aid incidents in the work environment. Employers can book this course for their employees in the knowledge that they are fulfilling their duty to provide quality first aid training to their employees.
Make a Mouse Workshop
Make a Hare Workshop
Make a Dachshund Workshop
The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis & Sepsis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve.
Our *NEW* Mini First Aid Baby Proofing class is our second class, designed for parents and carers of babies and children over 3 months. It can be taken after our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class, or in isolation for those parents who are starting their weaning journey, or have a baby on the move!
£100 per hour Talk about your relationship or marriage, Dating or married to a narcissist, finding Mr or Mrs Right, single life, loneliness, cheating, better dating skills and relationship issues with your girlfriend or boyfriend, dating or getting to know someone new. Whatever the relationship problem talk to an M.D.D relationship coach. Relationship advice for singles and couples (promotional rate)
The QA Level 3 Award in Administering Emergency Medical Gases (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification that has been specifically designed for those who have a responsibility for providing treatment to patients who need medical gases administering in prehospital environments. During this 1 day course, candidates will learn how to safely administer emergency oxygen, pre-operational inspections for oxygen therapy equipment and the clinical need for oxygen therapy when dealing with a range of conditions. Successful candidates will leave with the skills, knowledge and competencies needed to safely administer prompt and effective medical gases in an emergency situation.