living to learn skills
In theory, most of us know we should be prepared for anything. But the reality
is we can sometimes feel woefully unequipped to handle all the curve-balls life
throws our way. Let’s face it—sometimes it is HARD to be a grownup! And some of
the time we are so focused on ensuring our children learn their own life skills,
that we forget to make sure we’re learning the life skills we need for our
family. So what is a life skill? According to the dictionary … life-skill (noun)
plural noun: life skills A skill that is necessary or desirable for full
participation in everyday life. “Sharing with a sibling can help children learn
important life skills.” Could you earn all your merit badges for life skills?
I’ve compiled a list of the basics but I’d love to hear what all of you see as
THE vital life-skills everyone should know. From sewing on a button to basic
budgeting, what are the things you need to be a fully functional and thriving
grownup? Here are mine… 48 Life Skills Everyone Should Learn