ASP Self Protection or Self Defence for the real world for all
I am here to help busy pet owners spend time away from their pet’s and their homes without the guilt or the worry that starts the minute the suitcases come out of the loft. By providing a range of FIRST CLASS pet sitting services your pet can stay in the comfort of their own home which means you can spend time apart without the worry of them being somewhere unfamiliar.
DEFENCE LAB is a global network of self-defence and fitness training facilities. The main adult program that we teach at DL is called the "DNA Fight System". The program concentrates on developing practical and functional resolutions to violent street altercations. It also has an inbuilt fitness regime and of course an element of fun. Our philosophy is - "We study violence so as to escape it, prevent it and if all else fails, utilise it ourselves to survive"
Taekwon-Do, Self Defence - Taekwon-Do Self Defence School - , England TAEKWON-DO SELF DEFENCE SCHOOL using Korean Army self defence technics.
Jiu Jitsu Training In Wolverhampton SJA Services Here at StreetJitsu Association we take our martial arts to a new level, Mixed martial arts ranging from Jiu Jitsu, Akido, Taiho Jutsu, and self defence M.M.A.
Are you looking for a martial arts school that caters for beginners, that puts your safety first and has a friendly atmosphere? If so we have classes that are suitable for you. Our range of regular kickboxing classes are non-contact and fun to train in whilst developing fitness and self defence skills at the same time.