P901 - Management and control of building hot and cold water services is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in domestic type hot and cold water systems. (This course is also a pre-requirement before undertaking course P903 - Management and Control of Evaporative Cooling Systems and other High Risk Industrial Systems or P904 - Management and Control in Leisure, Display, Therapy and other Non-Industrial Systems.)
Our training programme will provide those involved at any stage of the process for procuring goods and/or services within their organisations with the knowledge and skillset to identify and mitigate the threat posed by the breadth and multi-layered complexity of procurement fraud and corruption.
NPORS Plant Supervisor Awareness (N034)
BOHS P904 - Management and control in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial systems is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial water systems. It is a requirement of this course that candidates have successfully completed P901- Legionella- Management and Control of Building Hot and Cold Water Services [Syllabus GM.1]. Where both P901 and P904 courses are run on subsequent days or as a combined course then this pre-requirement is waived.
NPORS Lift Truck Supervisor Awareness (N036)
The main subject areas of the course are: Legislation and guidance for asbestos practitioners. The properties of asbestos and health effects of exposure to asbestos fibres. The types of asbestos and its uses in buildings. The types of asbestos surveys. The asbestos register, risk assessment and management plan. Asbestos remediation. The role of asbestos analysts and laboratory procedures.